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Adapting older Samsung to newer Samsung

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I have no experience with the Samsung line, and very little IP.


Client wants to upgrade to a SDE-5002 16 channel DVR(already purchased and sitting on the desk, so no choice there), but he wants to integrate the existing Samsung cameras (1 SOD14DC, 1 SSC21DC, 2 SSC-21C's, and 2 SOD-14C's).


It appears the newer system uses an internal balun. The older cameras only look like they have three wires in them (getting ready to crack one open now).


Is there a simple solution here? Can I just adapt from RJ12 to 45, or is there no balun setup in the older cameras?


Thanks in advance,



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I doubt either end use baluns - on a cheap system like this, they're probably just straight-through connections. The three wires on the camera will be video, +12V, and a common power/video ground. You'd need to determine the same pins on the DVR and create custom cables or adapters to match up the appropriate lines. And even then, there's a chance it won't work.


Honestly, these types of systems - using RJ- or DIN connectors to put power, video and audio on one connector, are nothing but trouble in the long run and should just go away. From what I can find on that Samsung unit, it goes for around $1000 with cameras - this unit (http://www.nellyssurplus.com/servlet/the-1594/Dahua-ESDV-dsh-FULLD1-dsh-16-16-Channel/Detail) has better specs, sells for $650, and will work with pretty much any cameras out there, so you can select the proper camera for each location, rather than trying to force their generic cameras to fit.

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Honestly, these types of systems - using RJ- or DIN connectors to put power, video and audio on one connector, are nothing but trouble





the other problem is you are doing this for a customer. the samsung has camera power also built in if you make just 1 bad guess at the connection type you will pop there DVR.



it is much easier to convert the samsung cameras to BNC than it is to add them to a RJ system.

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Here are what I think the pinouts are.



This is the one for the cameras (I think):




Kinda straightforward to me.



Here is the DVR pinout directly from the manual:




I notice it has two 12v pins, and a seperate ground for everything.


So, what you're saying is if I pick up the CVBS+ pin for video, a 12v pin for power, and the nonaudio ground, it might work? Being on the wrong, or crossed ground won't burn up an opamp or whatever they're using, right? Maybe I need to tie the 12v ground and CBVS- together, but then I am worried about loops...


Far as the DVR, he's already bought it. It came with 8 cameras and a 1T drive for only a couple hundred more than the one you suggested.


So, even though this is using a RJ45 plug, it's not IP, it's actually just a proprietary connector scheme, right?


Thanks again,



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the other problem is you are doing this for a customer. the samsung has camera power also built in if you make just 1 bad guess at the connection type you will pop there DVR.



it is much easier to convert the samsung cameras to BNC than it is to add them to a RJ system.



Believe me, I explained it to the customer, who installed the previous system himself. It is his belief that 8 pin connectors are simply two more than the previous one, and that nothing really has changed.


I have no knowledge of samsung systems, so I really couldn't refute his theory. At the same time, I don't want to buy him a replacement DVR because I was right, but trying to make it work like he wants.


I did put an email into Samsung from their website, but I don't hold much hope of a response.


I wouldn't be here if I could run coax... LOL In fact, he bought a LOT of premade cables he wants me to use. I have a crimp frame and a box of plugs, but he doesn't want anything custom cut to length.


I dunno. I just had hopes with the world wide interwebs, someone else had already been through this.



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Believe me, I explained it to the customer, who installed the previous system himself. It is his belief that 8 pin connectors are simply two more than the previous one, and that nothing really has changed.



give him a screwdriver and tell him to get on with it.


lots of people come to the forum with the same idea.


now if you look at the DVR spec it tells you max power output. 2 of the cameras you have listed are above that. so even at that point you cant add all 8 cameras (6 is max)


its the same for extending the cables on these systems it does not work (the longer the cable the more power you need)



now also for that DVR you can buy add on addaptors but they are $59 each. (how much is a 8 way dahua)




I have no knowledge of samsung systems, so I really couldn't refute his theory. At the same time, I don't want to buy him a replacement DVR because I was right, but trying to make it work like he wants.



a good way to look at that is...... when you go to a customer do the work at the end of the day you get paid.



what you dont want is go to customer do work pop DVR and then YOU having to pay them for the damage.



so look at amps of each camera look at total for DVR which is your first problem because the secondhand cameras you have listed as extra cameras takes you ove the total of DVR.


and before you start anything get your customer to sign off who pays for damage

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