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  4. Batilla

    Mini POE Camera

    The same camera is cheaper on AliExpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003518327717.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.11.16a64db1ITSxTu&algo _pvid=9284ed58-0e96-4a44-9416-81d7f699b26e&algo_exp_id=9284ed58-0e96-4a44-9416-81d7f699b26e-5&pdp_npi=4 %40dis%21NOK%21573.93%21396.01%21%21%2149.00%2133.81%21%40211b441e17368714982972092ed887%21120000261480 33219%21sea%21NO%212855867178%21X&curPageLogUid=Pp5Rc2Wv9EEE&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A You can use third party NVR. I myself have an NVR from AliExpress and it works with all the cameras I have. Looks like the camera you are thinking of buying is from the same factory as some of my cameras. My NVR is this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002498924253.html?pdp_npi=4%40dis!US D%21US%20%2422.99%21US%20%2422.99%21%21%2122.99%2122.99%21%40211b61d0173687 21610904099eb9d1%2112000020890246336%21sh%21NO%212855867178%21X&spm=a2g0o. store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007525087880.1005002498924253 It found all my cameras with ease. It has now been running for 5 months without any problems and it is very easy to use. (You must also purchase a hard drive and a power supply 12v2a). It is not a good idea to buy a hard drive on AliExpress!
  5. This post is about how I solved a close-up focusing problem. Hope someone can benefit from it. It was a bit foggy and rainy here yesterday. Then what is near became blurry, and I tried to zoom in and out, but then it only focused clearly at a distance. Then the weather improved, but the camera still wouldn't focus at close range. My solution was to wait until it got dark outside, and turn off the Ir Led on the camera. The background then became darker than the area close to the camera. Then the camera would focus on the close-up again. Today with daylight it still focuses correctly.
  6. hotair1983

    4CH DVR boot stuck

    Try to flash this firmware AHB7804R-LM-V3 https://megawrzuta.pl/ov5okiij
  7. tomcctv

    power supply problem

    Hi it can be just sat on the ground but it only takes two screws to secure to a wall just to stop it being moved … your existing power supply (12v 10amp) with splitter would be running hot the one I listed won’t
  8. Gesualdo

    power supply problem

    Can this be set on the floor in a closet or does it need to be mounted? overheating issue on carpeted floor? found US supplier
  9. tomcctv

    power supply problem

    Hi. This is the wrong way to power cctv cameras ….. infact one faulty camera can damage all the rest first thing to do is install a suitable power supply the type that protects each camera with its own fuse or electronic cutout something like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/HAILI-Output-Supply-Switch-Distribution/dp/B07SV1W15G/ref=asc_df_B07SV1W15G?mcid=ea352f6f096735d1909f4ed7427c5755&tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=696451130813&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15917231825901991530&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046494&hvtargid=pla-826178894569&psc=1&gad_source=1#immersive-view_1735407912808
  10. Gesualdo

    power supply problem

    Help! I have A Dahua DVR with 5 HDCVI cameras attached that suddenly lost all images. The cameras are powered by a 12v 10A power supply with 8 way splitter. I changed the power supply and 2 cameras came back. 2 cameras plugged in causes the power supply to blink. Tested the video input on the DVR by plugging a working camera into into each channel and it works on each. No DVR fault that I can tell. The 3 non-working cameras do not display even connected to independent power supply. Are the cameras fried or insufficient power from new power supply? Datasheet_2MP_HDCVI_Starlight_Varifocal_Bullet_A22DFAZ_v001_003.pdf
  11. Does anyone have experience with a Lenel OnGuard system that has archiving turned on to a database? We are wanting to set this up but can't find clarity on how the reporting works for the archived records. There is a "use archived records" checkbox on the reporting screen. The help text on this (which is not that helpful) says: "If this check box is selected, data for an event or user transaction report is obtained from archived events/transactions in the database, rather than from the current “live” events/transactions. Archived events/transactions are those restored using the [Restore Archive] button on the Restoring form of the Archives folder." So it sounds like you have to restore archived data somehow (the details of which are super muddy) before you can run reports against the data. I would appreciate any experienced feedback on the Lenel archival to DB process, and also this weird reporting option. Regards Ian
  12. i never did solve the night recording double speed timing issue recording direct to the NVR, but what I have discovered is that if you record using the V2.2.8 Swann network surveillance software on a desktop PC the night vision plays back perfectly, I've only just discovered this 9 years later LOL. The disadvantage to this is your PC needs to be permanently on. Tomcctv, "Hi. One good system is the TVT …" It is a private residence that currently has 7 swann cameras.
  13. corviarbob

    wifi ip camera system question

    ok thanks. like i said i do not know if they will rewire for the cameras. i would have to use the bullet camera wire and they may not want to run it. and i bet they will not let me do it when the sheet rock and siding are not on the studs either. but i will redo it as i had it before with wire and not use the wifi. that is why i asked. again thanks much
  14. tomcctv

    wifi ip camera system question

    Hi. Then this is the right time to wire your house for cameras … just use cat5 wireless cameras with dvr have never been reliable. Analog wireless are proprietary so don’t last once cameras start to fail
  15. i had a 20 camera system 8 bullet cameras and 8 foscams and 4 bullet cams just as backups to the foscams in 4 entry locations. all hard wired and it worked great, but i had a house fire and that took out the system of course. so when i get rebuilt i'm thinking of just going with 8 wifi cameras/dvr. i had wifi cameras before and i had so much dropout that i went to wired cameras. but i wonder if i was to get one of those wifi systems that pair with it's own dvr if that works to prevent those dropouts? i can get a 8 camera wifi system to replace the 8 bullet cams and have the house wired for those locations for power. but i'm not getting good answers to having the house wired for camera feeds. so that is why i'm asking about wifi cameras and using there won dvr if that kind of system does not have any dropouts on the feed. thanks.
  16. Hello, I recently acquired a Hikvision DVR model IDS-7216HQHI-M1/XT and found that it unfortunately does not support a function that my other Hikvision DVR model EV4008TURBOD does have. This function is the possibility to define a Recording Schedule that is different than the Arming Schedule defined for motion event recording. On the EV4008TURBOD DVR I can define a Recording Schedule based on Motion (not Event), meaning that it will record whenever motion is detected in the days/hours specified. In this same equipment, I can define a separate Arming Schedule, in the different days/hours specified, based on a Motion Event, that will trigger a "Send Email" Alarm Linkage Action. For example, I can define a Recording Schedule that will only record when motion is detected in all 24 hours / 7 days a week and on the other hand I can define an Arming Schedule that will trigger sending an email only from 10PM to 6AM Monday-Sunday, when a Motion event is detected. On the IDS-7216HQHI-M1/XT I cannot define these functions separately. I can define the Recording Schedule based on Event (not Motion), which will only record during the days/hours defined in the Arming Schedule for the Motion Event. So, if I set the Arming Schedule to trigger sending an email from 10PM to 6AM Monday-Sunday, when a Motion event is detected, the Recording Schedule will only record from 10PM to 6AM Monday-Sunday, when motion is detected. I believe that this limitation is due to the fact that the EV4008TURBOD will allow defining a Recording Schedule based on Movement (not Event), whereas the IDS-7216HQHI-M1/XT will only allow defining a Recording Schedule based on Event (not Motion): EV4008TURBOD IDS-7216HQHI-M1/XT I have already updated to the latest Firmware on the IDS-7216HQHI-M1/XT. I will greatly appreciate any comments or ideas on how I could get this function to work on this DVR that I recently acquired, if at all possible. Thank you, animateme
  17. Sir Flannel

    Port Forwarding not working

    Is the Spectrum modem providing the outside IP address to the Linksys? Check the WAN information in the Linksys setup, if it shows an outside IP of 10.x.x.x or 172.16.x.x or 192.168.x.x, that means the Spectrum modem is providing a local IP to your Linksys, and you would have to open port forwarding on the Spectrum device as well. If you are getting an outside IP, have you tried setting the DVR in DMZ mode?
  18. Sir Flannel

    Passive Infrared Motion detection through glass?

    What model camera are you using? Most cameras that have motion detection are not using traditional PIR motion sensors. They detect the changes in the scene. If they have IR lights, it's to enable it to see better at night. But, that won't work inside the car, because the IR emitters will reflect off the glass and blind the camera. You usually can disable IR emitters that are attached to the camera in the system settings.
  19. Thanks for your response. In the meanime I've signed up to Hikvisions new support page - Hik-Partner Pro There is a firmware search facility on there which works but remember it requires the last 9 characters of your device serial number! I'm not afraid of updating software/firmware!
  20. Hi if your camera is working fine I recommend you don’t do a firmware update as you can’t go back if fails last update was 08/2023 https://www.hikvision.com/en/products/IP-Products/Network-Cameras/Pro-Series-EasyIP-/DS-2CD2385G1-I/?subName=DS-2CD2385G1-I
  21. Hi! Would anyone be able to let me have a working link to the Hikvision firmware portal? I'm after an update to my DS-2CD2385G1 camera Thanks
  22. I have a couple of Wifi security cameras which work great. I bought them to put in my car because I know someone is coming to tamper with it at some point. I do realize that there are dash cams with motion detection but they are too expensive. I'm not looking for G-Sensor technology. So the camera's I have, incorporate PIR (Passive Infrared motion detection) but the problem is that this tech doesn't seem to work though glass windows. Is there any way to make it work through glass windows? I can't put the camera's outside the care or they will get stolen. They must be in the car. What's the solution here? I need motion detection but it won't work through the glass car windows. Is there another option? Thanks
  23. KMc

    Kestrel Viewer App not working

    Sever down again!
  24. Pablo56

    Powerline adapters

    The ones I am using is TP link. They don't seem to have an IP address but I will look. I have TP-Link TL-PA717 but these 2 devices do not use the internet. They are hard wired to the CCTV camera and the other hard wired to the recorder. What is the IP address to do with this? Communication of a powerline adapter is through powerlnes not through WI-FI. 
  25. tomcctv

    Powerline adapters

    Hi. If your using your Powerline adapters straight from out of the box they still work however if using more than 1 set then it is best to give each pair its own local iP address this is easy done by looking at the login iP of your adapters (192.168.x.x) which you will find on it ….. first pair give them a new iP something like on both and on the other set on both and this will stop the conflict you are getting as both are using the out of box iP (both sets are the same)
  26. I have a problem with a home CCTV system. I used to work in CCTV / Designer. I have 4 cameras. 1 is connected by cable ant 2 are connected by powerline adapters. The problem is if I connect a third powerline adapter the all go off. Some sort of cross talk problem I believe. How do you guys do this with lots of cameras or are they all connected by cable. In a large complex environment, it would be difficult to cable all the cameras. Hopfully you have all the answere's!
  27. My Hikvision camera has an alarm output circuit that locally can be configured to close the circuit on certain events. Has anyone managed to remotely control the alarm output circuit reliably?
  28. Dim

    Mini POE Camera

    Good question. I don't know. They mention these standards: Support protocol: O NVIIF, HTTP, TCP/IP, ICMP, RTSP, RTP, RTCP, SMTP, DHCP, DNS, PPPoE, NTP But that doesn't always mean it would work correctly. It's almost worth a try at that price though.
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