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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I have had a DVR system for years but just use the newer stand alone ones fill in for where I have not had time to run the cable through my three roofs and two walls. I would have had 15 stand alone ones over the years and the old ones even the $100 was not reliable. I even bought last year a $140 name brand stand alone but gave it away as it did not take a Micro SD card and only saved to the Cloud. That is good if they steal your camera but I did not want to pay the monthly fee. So the current ones I have are working great and even had one pointed at my security system so I can see if the house alarm has gone off. That has been very handy for years but will put my main DVR system camera to cover that seeing I can now get the eight cameras on my main system showing on my IPhone. I have had the stand alone ones outside monitoring outside the rear of the house where it is close to the router and protected under my BBQ roof. I have had a stand alone IP camera monitoring the front door through a window near the front door and continuously recording to a 64gb Micro SD card until I was able to view my main DVR system on my IPhone. The stand alone ones can always be hacked and people can view and hear what is on the camera. There is good viewing of that on youtube. The DVR system is always the best way but the stand alone ones are good depending on peoples budget and the security required. That is seeing the new ones have proven to me to be quite reliable.
  2. 1 point
    That is not a 360 camera. And if you think that cheap crap is better than IP for $100 then your wrong. table top cameras are pointless. People need to think and reaserch what they need. table top cameras can not see who comes to your door.... Can't detected any damage to cars outside......can not see if damage don't to gardens of home exterior and that table top camera for $28. What about in home privacy. Why have a camera in your home living room that footage and sound goes off to a 3rd party could be 100s of strangers watching you in your own home day and night so is $28 home security .....NO. STAY AWAY FROM CHEAP GEEK CRAP
  3. 1 point
    Maverick, wifi are isn't very reliable do to possible interference from all these wifi gadgets now a days, They will fail right when you need them. 1 wifi camera might be ok, but the more you add the problems. This looks like a good deal, but you will need to buy a hard drive. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?sdtid=12321619&SID=84fd9180038c11e99fd8dee7c78a78dc0INT&AID=10446076&PID=1225267&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&Item=N82E16881183095&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=IGNEFL112218&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-Slickdeals LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&ignorebbr=1&cm_sp= My friend tommy found this one... https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/HIKVISION-OEM-8CH-4K-CCTV-KIT-DS-7608NI-I2-8P-NVR-4MP-Dome-IP-IR-H-265-HD-Camera/263561965076?var=&hash=item3d5d846e14
  4. 1 point
    I am a cheap skate or a savvy buyer maybe. So I'll mention the cheap ones I have had but no 360 degree ones. Maybe you are after a DVR box type with IP Cameras but here is some information on cheap stand alone ones. All these you have to have patience and not mind mucking around with the a bit. I have been using the V380 ones for quite a while and been good. I could check the cameras from overseas on my IPhone. You actually search V380 to locate the cameras on sites. V380 Version I have had for years these well in the 720P version and this is an updated 1080P. They may now have QR code to set up but if not they can take a while to set up Sometimes you can do it in 2 minutes. That is set up with an IPhone etc. On my Geek IPhone app I have this exact camera for $22. This one is $35 so go searching. Occasionally EBay have them around $25. https://geek.wish.com/product/5a7518180e39882737375378?&hide_login_modal=true Digoo Name Brand Version. My daughter bought three Digoo BB-M1 IP cameras which look the same as the V380 ones. I set one up for her and it worked great but she moved it and could not get it going again. So I have the three Digoo IP cameras for a couple of months and only today I could not see anything on the Micro SD Card. I just rebooted it and all good again. To get the Digoo cameras going it was quick and easy as it had a QR code to scan. But there are features you have to set up the way you want them. Either record on movement or full time record plus other stuff which takes a while to understand. It is just what you have to do with any IP camera. I think there is a Version 2 - Digoo BB-M2 which would be a bit dearer. Yahoo I just found Version 2 for AU $28 https://www.banggood.com/Digoo-BB-M2-Mini-WiFi-Camera-USB-Wireless-IP-CAM-Home-Security-HD-720P-RTSP-PTZ-Audio-Onvif-p-1097872.html?cur_warehouse=CN I would say that is a good buy but check them out on youtube and review sites. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=digoo+m2 That should be good and worth buying one at least. I have paid $100 for ip cameras in the past and they have been useless. Pity I wasted that money on name brand cameras but these new ones were not around then. See what you think. Col
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Well I need to know the model number from the DVR to see if you can use it or if you will need to replace all of your DVRs with a unit that can support dual recording or remote backup.
  7. 1 point
    We have had our units damaged and stolen bNHy burglars in the past. We want to be able to watch the break ins from remote locations. Security cabinets have not worked. In fact, at one store they actually took an atm machine that was mounted to the floor. Hiding the dvr wont work, because employees have been involved in the robberies and knew where to look. My boss wants remote recording. He is not going to be happy until he gets it.
  8. 1 point
    Why do you want to do this? Why not just pull recorded video from the remote site when you need to review recorded video? This also depends on the capability of your DVRs. I have systems the you can do dual recording to two different system and they can also off load video at schedule times. Streaming continuously 47 DVR's over web will take a lot of bandwidth. Each site will be X amount of upload bandwidth and then the headend will need (X * number of sites) download bandwidth. This will not be cheap.
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