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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi. We do a lot of pos and gilbarco systems ( both pos and pump management) You will find it much easier to use the existing internal network to capture the text. Each cash register is already sending the text data back to back office ( as stock control) which is still to much info for using as text overlay but if you go on the back office PC and do IP config and search pos term all cash registers will show ... Write down each IP address it will show for each. Then go to management service on the pos back office then network and look for port out ..... Look at each IP you written down and look for port 5551 ( cash register1) 5552 ( cash register2) This will give you the same text as recept to customer and these are the IP and address you should use on each camera on your hik NVR Also on gilbarco pump management it has alarm outputs which can be sent to a PTZ camera .... When pump 1 is started PTZ will turn to is or pump 4 .... Capture every pump which starts and this will also show on transaction ( if pump start is on registers)
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