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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi. No need to take anything down .....your network is only used for remote viewing with only using two 5mp your ok but I would look at adding later 4mp and even 2mp is small areas or you will need to drop FPS also remember you can use any tvi camera or 4 in 1 camera does not need to be hikvision if you have not bought anything yet I would pic TVT over hikvision security industry had another report yesterday on hik hack
  2. 1 point
    Hi there, I just want to inform you in my case I do not receive anymore the notifications on my mobile phone (gDMSS Plus) when someone rings on the door. It looks to be a general issue Dahua must solve after Google has changed the push service , see reply from my vendor : This afternoon it has been revealed that Google has changed the push service for a number of Android versions and this has impact on a large part of the Android devices using IMOU or GDMSS. This implies that Dahua must solve it, just Dahua is currently celebrating Chinese New Year, which makes the solution just waiting a bit longer. Hope it can help you if you are in the same situation.
  3. 0 points
    Hi Paul I was working on a Vw 1974 camper Sunday now the bit you don’t want to hear ..... footage is like starting with a very bad photograph...... that’s what’s been captured a bad photo you can’t make it better and there is nothing like you see on ncis. but since you have a time of the incident have a look around your area for other cameras that they might of passed and see if you can find better images. Where red are you located
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