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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    hd908 seems too relaxed to be boogerman/fenderman.
  2. 1 point
    I'm sorry, alpalp, but I do not have a recommendation for you. Some of the more experienced guys here I'm certain might have. A lot of people like BI. Maybe it's great. But I don't trust MS-Windows any further than I can spit, so I'll never know. If one of the Linux flavours is your thing, possibly Blue Cherry DVR? I may give that a go if things don't work out with Synology.
  3. 1 point
    I have 16 cameras plus an IP camera in the pond on live only I use the ptzs linked to alarm sensors so when a PIR sensor triggers the ptz within the area will turn to the alarm area and home in on the part
  4. 0 points
    Actually, if you want to be precise, they have been selling blue iris for a few months. Blue iris have been recommended on that site for 5 years before they sold blue iris. Furthermore, when you posted the same question on the site, one of the owners recommended NXwitness to you - they dont sell NX. There goes your conspiracy theory. Why would he do that? There are also subforums there for Milestone, zoneminder, ispy and sighthound. They dont sell any of those. They also sell rebranded hikvision NVR's, yet those were not recommended to you. Again your conspiracy theory fails. Blue iris recommended because its exceptional and low priced. Xeoma is banned because Xeoma has paid and still does pay users to write fake reviews. - this is explained on the site. Note also that Xeoma is Russian - trust them like you trust the Chinese.
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