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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It is confusing hikvision can’t keep anything simple ... hikvision turbo 4.0 is stated to be POC ... that is not the case when you look at specs .... take your model number HIKVISION DS-7204HUHI-K1 why do hikvision find it so hard to to simply add POC at the end HIKVISION DS-7204HUHI-K1 -POC same with the comparable cameras if you are installing your system coax with power (shotgun) is just the same as feeding coax and does not leave your system to being POC only poc systems you can’t use existing cameras if you have a problem you can only replace with POC proprietary systems are pointless and don’t stay on the market long
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