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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi. If camera is on your property and recording your property that’s fine ..... but to place a camera to monitor 24/7 someone else’s property and people you might find the law suit being on you. also take into account footage retention the DP act for your area. you are best talking to a lawyer at your local city/ town hall and get the right advice. also using a small unnoticeable camera also known as covert or spy camera watching other people can also be another legal problem for you. a years footage is just a waste of time and no court will allow it..... it would also take a year for your legal people and the court to watch. I would get a 4 way ip system with at least one camera with audio And set it up with good wide lens covering your property which state are you in ?
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