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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi. Ok I know that system under a different name the problem is 12x 4K is the very top of its limit and has problems processing which is why you have cameras dropping out. sounds like your recording 24/7 at full FPS you will also have the problem with playback your options are .... cameras in areas not needing 4K knock them down to 3 or 4mp also 4K cameras knock down the FPS to 12 or 15.......... all these settings you do from recorder no need to buy more equipment Also make sure both camer and nvr are set to H265 not H264 This helps with faster data other option is keep cameras and send recorder back and buy one that will do 4K across the unit. ....... ie. 16 way 4K nvr
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