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thewireguys last won the day on May 31 2023

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  1. Digital Watchdog OEMs NxWitness in the US and now Hawha is also OEMing NxWitness. You can't purchase NxWitness directly from them you need to purchase though the OEMs.
  2. Doesn't matter if you change your admin password. http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2017/Sep/23
  3. Have a look at Nxwitness though you will have to order the Digital Watchdog OEM version.
  4. thewireguys

    Litebeam m5 vs Powerbeam m5 vs Nanostation m5

    Is this a PTP link or will you have multiple hops? Have you scanned to see what frequencies are currently in use? For longer links antenna selection is key.
  5. thewireguys

    View only mode for exacq client

    Have to setup user access to restrict access only to viewing?
  6. thewireguys

    Avigilon NVR/Camera Issue

    You're running an old version of ACC5. Update that to the latest This will also update the firmware on your cameras to the latest version then report back if the issue is still there.
  7. thewireguys

    Avigilon NVR/Camera Issue

    What does support say about this issue?
  8. http://www.euresys.com/product/picolo-net-hd8r/ That looks like SDI as I did not see TVI on that list.
  9. I highly doubt you would get anything more than an RTSP stream per channel out of other of those units but nice find anyway. I have tested the Hikvision 8 Channel TVI Encoder and I was able to get motion to work but there were studdering issues with the video.
  10. The live video from CVI cameras is a uncompressed real-time video. The recorded video is compressed so you will never see the recorded image as good as the live.
  11. Now will they drop the cost because it is hard to justify their pricing when connecting to a 3rd party VMS
  12. This is a very simple math calculation. You do not have enough pixels on target to ID licenses plates because the pixels are spread out over a 180 FOV. Wrong camera for the job.
  13. Sorry I have to disagree. Covering areas where you don't want any blind spots which with schools, hospitals, arenas, restaurants and warehouses this is very important and we have seen a lot of traction with them. You get a complete view of the whole area without having to jump from camera to camera so you can track and objects better. Casinos call them chase cameras for a reason.
  14. It's a fisheye camera and you expect to get license plates? When used in the right application fisheye cameras are fantastic solutions. This is a classic case of using the wrong tool for the job.