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Everything posted by sbdallas

  1. sbdallas

    GV-AView on AT&T 4G

    UPDATE: Recently went ahead and purchased the $500.00 static IP address from Verizon for my wireless modem. Works great. What you are really purchasing is a "unrestricted IP WAN address. Allows for pc to pc network activity which also allows for things like viewing video security cameras remotely to your site where the Verizon Wireless modem or router is located. The good news is that any other wireless modems you have on that same account will qualify for an unrestricted static IP address as well at no extra charge.
  2. In the past with Windows XP you could backup video to USB Drive or DVD drive with Nero7 and everytihng copied straight over with the ViewLog software and everything. Now with Windows7 it does not work the same. Does anyone know the procedure to do the same with Windows7 ? Thanks
  3. never mind... Nero 7 does work with Windows7 and everything worked as should,
  4. sbdallas

    GV-AView on AT&T 4G

    All the 4G networks are only allowing one way communication... outbound. no PC To PC. I talked with Verizon for hours with tech support and they said I could purchase a Static IP for my device at the cost of $500.00 !!! I said no thanks and took my new 4g usb device back and got my 3g reactivated. I use a Cradlepoint to open ports to view cameras at remote sites with it and it works great. The new 4G on the other hand will not work right now. I'm sure the cellular folks will sooner or later give in to the pressure but they are trying to conserve all the band witdth they can thus limiting us to outbound only on the air cards.