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Everything posted by sacko

  1. Hi all, I have recently had problems with vandalism in the car park to my business premises. Is it possible to have a stand alone CCTV camera (battery operated) that I can record or view from my home (which is 2 miles away) via the internet? Any help or sugestions of what equipment and where I can purchase it from etc I would need would be great. Regards Sacko
  2. Thanks neutech I am unable to pm at the moment (not enough posts - new to the site) There is no power at all were I want to site the camera, although my home is about 3/4 of a mile away (as far as the crow flies) I think I have to have 5 posts under my belt and I guess this counts as number 5 - so I will atempt to pm you later Regards Sacko
  3. Thanks scorpion, the car method may be an option. Amirm I have a budget of £1000, would that be enough? Regards Sacko
  4. I have not got a camera yet I was hoping for some advice of which one to use. It would of course have to be wireless (is this possible) i.e. are wireless cameras compatible with this server? The flag pole is only 3 metres high and is 2 miles from my house. Regards Sacko
  5. Thanks for this scorpion. Does this sever have to located in the same place as the camera? Because I want to locate the camera on the flag pole at the main gate and house the server, DVR and computer in my home. The reason I wanted a battery powered camera is that there is not a mains supply where I need to locate the camera. regards sacko