I am looking for advice/opinions for an unattended hidden camera and recorder to capture moving vehicles at about 30 mph on a regular street. Video will be reviewed at later time,24-72 hours later. I Don't need license plate recognition (luxury out of budget) just color and possibly make/model of vehicle. Mostly daytime but some nightime with fair street lighting. The camera/recorder will be hidden probably in a parked vehicle and power for both will come from a regulated 12v dedicated battery. Traffic will pass the parked camera car in a parallel direction. My first thoughts are to mount camera up high say hidden in roof rack or such pointing slightly down to minimize any nightime oncoming headlights and avoid shooting through glass windows of parked camera car.
At first glance an ip multipixel cam with sd card onboard recorder seems easiest solution. Any suggestions on camera that has onboard sd card and high frame rate suitable for capturing moving objects? I was looking at Sanyo 2500 as it was also compact, but it seems Sanyo has been eaten up by Panasonic.
My next question for those with experience is, would a ccd camera with its much higher shutter speed than a cmos multipixel cam be better at capturing a moving object at say D-1 resolution?
Any information or advice is appreciated, such as minimum frame rate, and angle to aim cam at
oncoming target vehicles, etc.