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Everything posted by Arne73

  1. Arne73

    Cell Phone Auto Dialers

    I'm looking for a cellular auto dialer that dials directly out to a phone (as opposed to base unit or a service). Any ideas/recommendations?
  2. I'm currently pricing out a 16 camera DVR for my home. I've narrowed the DVR to the Intellicam JS XLA 16 Channel H.264 DVR w/500GB HD. I've made some measurements of the areas I want to watch and plan to add cameras as I go along. I'm not planning on any PTZ units due to the cost per camera and the coverage I expect with 16 cameras. From what I can see it looks like the majority of cameras out there are 12VDC. I don't want to limit myself by selecting the wrong power supply. Comments?
  3. Arne73

    Power supply selection question

    I plan to locate the DVR in a secure location in the basement with the camera 12VDC power supply. I'm planning on using RG59 w/18-2 throughout the system. It's an easy pull from the basement to the attic via an 8" square void. Cameras will be mounted on the soffits. I don't anticipate a single run over 150'. Is my cable choice OK without excessive loss of video or voltage drop?
  4. Arne73

    DVR Recommendations

    I'm planning on 8 out door cameras and I'm looking at a 16 ch unit for future expansion as $$ allows. I'd like at least 4 ch audio, alarm input and motion detection as well. I'm planning on 1200-1800 USD for the DVR, additional for cameras, power supply and cables.
  5. Arne73

    DVR Recommendations

    Hi- I'm designing my home CCTV system and am having trouble picking out the DVR. Are there any brands that should be avoided or that have a less than acceptable reliability record? Thanks- Arnie