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  1. 4 cctv monitors have just come into my possesion, along with a Everfocus EDSR1600. I'll be using all this to record footage in my Halloween haunt. Meanwhile, I'd like to use the monitors to watch TeeVee. 3 Tatungs and a Checkpoint monitor all with BNC av1 and av2 inputs. I used a BNC to coax adapter to input signal from the cable box (I have Comcast digital cable in No. California-Chico). I get "No Signal". The big Tatung also has the switch for av or 75 ohm, I tried both ways but nothing. What do I need between the cable box and the monitor to recieve tv pictures? Please and thank you. Oobadooba
  2. Sir Flannel, Thank you, Sir. Your suggestion worked. One HDD works. One doesn't work. I can work with that. I had swapped the hard drives but never did try 'em one at a time.. Again, I thank you, Sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Oobadooba "Who was that wrapped man...?"
  3. My employer just upgraded their system and I scored, among other stuff, an Everfocus EDSR1600, w/two Maxtor 300 gb hdds. I connected a monitor, plugged it in and get some noise and a green light from the hardrive in bay 1, an LED readout says "SYSTEM LOADING". The screen shows a grid with those same words at the bottom. After several minutes the noise stops, the light goes to red and the messages remain. I swap the hard drive bays and get the same result, except the actions in bay 2. As this is my first DVR, I'm almost totally ignorant. I'm sure if I can get it to work I'll have many more questions concerning LANs, remote viewing and such. But for now, I'd just like to get it to work. ...Anybody...?...Anybody...? Please and thank you for any assistance given. I Ooba