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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Looking for a little feedback on Samsung's Net-I software. I currently have a Samsung 5042 installed and have got the cameras viewable over the clients network. However, when i try to access the DVR and playback using Net-I's Search Viewer there is nothing there, the DVR doesn't appear. Any thoughts lovely peeps??
  2. Heya Guys, Just a query, I've put in a new Samsung dvr and they're reffering to IPS rather than FPS, I take it these are the same just different terminology? The unit is a SHR-2162P. Has anyone any experience of these, i seem to be having a couple of issues and glitches: The DVR buttons on the front panel take approx 3minutes each to respond after they have not been used for a week. When viewing over the network, the numbers on the cameras do not refer to the ports: randomly showing for example; Camera1 is Cam 16. Recording times seem to be shocking in comparison with others i've used, This particular unit is fitted with a 750gb drive even dropping from Half D1 to CIF with high quality i'm getting just over a week. Feed Back Appreciated Folks