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Everything posted by Securame

  1. That's correct. Only one network port, only one IP/subnet.
  2. This is 5 years old, but it might help (it is in spanish). http://www.securamente.com/como-detectar-movimiento-en-una-grabacion-de-video/ It seems that SafeMotion web site is down/gone, but you might be able to find it around.
  3. Securame


    Using a good quality cable.
  4. Securame


    As you said, it can carry the signal "up to 60m"... with a good cable, which you did not use. So try it using a short cable, even if it is a 2m patch cable. I think you will find out it will work with a good cable, and you will ned to replace that 25m cable you have already installed. And this second time you will probably test the cable to make sure the quality is ok before installing it
  5. Securame


    Try with a short cable. You might need to change that Cat5e cable for something better, Cat6. (that is actually NOT a HDMI over lan extender, it is a HDMI over UTP extender)
  6. If it is looking at a rack, I guess that Axis camera is indoors. You do not need an autoiris lens at all, just buy a fixed lens iris so it will not give you problems with that.
  7. Securame

    IDMSS won't PTZ on iphone

    If you have a Dahua unit with Dahua firmware, you should be using DMSS, and not EVO.
  8. It will not work with Firefox, Firefox disabled the use of NPAPI plugins a few versions ago.
  9. Securame

    Offsite redundancy

    It does. With current internet connections, if you have enough bandwidth it is quite doable to do redundant recording on site and off site.
  10. Securame

    K9604-W Bypass Firmware Verification

    Your assumption is quite wrong. Why stop at 8ch? Why not make it 16ch? Or 200ch?? Or infinite channels?!? Your NVR has enough resources (CPU, memory, bandwidth, whatever) to deal with 4ch. If you want to work with 8ch, you need to get a 8ch unit.
  11. You would need iVMS-4200 PC-NVR, which is an outdated software that is no currently in development any more. You have probably better ($) options to try, like BlueIris, Milestone, etc.
  12. Securame

    TVI capture card

    Just use a TVI recorder as an encoder, you do not even need to put a hard drive on it if you are going to use Exacq.
  13. Mic input on the NVR is for bi directional audio. If you want to have audio on a camera, you need to have a camera with integrated microphone, or with audio input on the camera.
  14. I am sure there are many models that are able to do it, but we use these units: http://www.securame.com/comprobador-cctv-multifuncional-tester75n14m-analogico-hdtvi-hdcvi-ahd-ip-lcd-1920x1200-tactil-tdr-wifi-p-3005.html They are basically an Android powered device. They have POE output, so you can power the camera from the unit. And you can use it with ONVIF, Hikvision they have iVMS-4500 and a tool like SADP), Dahua, a few others, and being Android I think there should be not much problem installing any other Android app.
  15. It supports all Hikvision IP cameras up to 6MP. It does not support any Turbo HD cameras (those work with coaxial cable).
  16. Securame

    Reset Administration Password on DVR

    That is a Dahua unit. admin/admin and 888888/888888
  17. DS-2CD2185FWD-I would not have alarm/audio input/outputs; while DS-2CD2185FWD-IS would! (the -S at the end makes the difference) http://overseas.hikvision.com//uploadfile/image/10722_SpecofDS2CD2185FWDI(S)20170122.pdf
  18. Securame

    Remote Disarm Dahua NVR Alarm Out

    You can manually arm/disarm the alarm outputs on the NVR right from the live view on DMSS.
  19. You can't do it with just the NVR. You can try using decoders or some android devices. Or just use a Windows computer with iVMS-4200 (you can have a PC with 4 video outputs, and use iVMS-4200 to set up 4 monitors with 4x4 view on each one).
  20. 200 feet... and powering 3 cameras over two UTP cat5 cables. Yup. Try using a good cable.
  21. UTP cable is 100ohm, while a CCTV video signal is supposed to travel on a 75ohm coaxial cable. That is what baluns are for (balun = balancer/unbalancer), to adapt the video signal to travel over a 100ohm impedance cable, and convert it back on the other end. Can you send a video signal over cat5 cable without baluns? Sure, it might work as you have already seen, if the distance is not too long, if there are no interference, etc. Do you have to assume it will work? No, you should assume it will NOT work. If you feel like trying, go ahead and do so, but then do not surprise yourself when you get bad results. Same can be said about power; 2 UTP wires for three cameras? Using one UTP for a single camera is good practice when using one pair for video (with baluns!) and three pairs for power. You want to try to power 3 cameras with a single pair? Feel free to try, but again you should not think it is strange if it does not work ok if you are using bad installation techniques.
  22. Those are the problems. If you do cheap installations, with cheap supplies and cheap labour, well, you will get cheap results. Cameras with cat5 cable and without baluns? Oh well.