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Everything posted by Securame

  1. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=40308 I do not see it as anything serious. If you have the telnet port open to the world, and leave the admin password as default 12345, well... I think it is the owner's fault, not Hikvision's.
  2. That is surely an OLD version of the software...
  3. Securame

    Bomb blast @ my home

    There is nothing to enhance there. You know it was two guys on a motorcycle, and that is all you will know from that recording. Glad that at least noone was hurt.
  4. Securame

    CCTV Signage

    I either charge for them, or give them for free in our installations with our logo and web site URL on it.
  5. You might have fried the network port on the camera.
  6. Securame

    CCTV Signage

    Well, you should probably check your local legislation, if any... The signs I have to put up in Spain would be quite worthless to you. http://www.securame.com/rotulos-informativos-amarillos-videovigilancia-lopd-c-76.html
  7. Not possible, the HD needs to be installed inside the DVR.
  8. Securame

    How to Set MAC Address on Dahua IPC-HDB3200C?

    But do they give you problems because they have the same MAC? I would just configure one each time, put them with different fixed IPs, and I think they should be fine, even if they do share the same MAC address.
  9. Securame

    How to Set MAC Address on Dahua IPC-HDB3200C?

    Really? Two Dahua units with the same Mac address? Where did you get them from, are you sure they are not counterfeit units? I doubt the Mac address can be changed easily...
  10. No clue on what a Cantex or Royal box is, but some pictures would have been nice
  11. I saw this camera last month at SICUR in Madrid, and it looked quite nice. I still can not find it available on any Hik dealers in Spain so far, but I would love to try it.
  12. Securame

    Viewing CCTV

    It is possible. If the CCTV system is accessible from inside the network, it is working fine. The fact that it stops working only from outside the network should give you a hint that it is not a problem with the CCTV system itself, but with your internet connection. If your router is reset, changed, maybe even upgraded, you switch ISPs, etc, your connection will need to be configured again, and that is not the contractor's fault. You might want to talk to your ISP, get a fixed IP, make them open the ports for you, etc. You are being charged for something very basic to do, you can also get any computer guy to do it for you, or learn it yourself.
  13. Doh... That sucks big time. It should be common practice to change the default admin "12345" password, in fact I would like DVR manufacturers to disallow remote access if the password is the default one. I did a test last year with 200 Hikvision units I located online; 57% were online with the 12345 password, and I could have done anything I wanted with the units. I wrote this post about it on our blog (it is in spanish): http://www.securamente.com/sobre-la-recomendacion-de-modificar-los-passwords-por-defecto-de-nuestro-equipo-de-videovigilancia/ I even located a company in India with 1612 Hikvision DVRs online; ALL of them were with admin/12345... http://www.securamente.com/passwords-por-defecto-en-un-equipo-de-cctv-lo-que-no-hay-que-hacer/ Luckily the telnet port is usually not accessible from the outside, but if the malware comes from another device already inside the network, tough luck.
  14. Securame

    Looking for DVR with Chrome / Firefox Support

    You must have bought an old model. All current units support Firefox and Chrome without IE tab.
  15. Securame

    looking to upgrade my mini-cctv

    You said "I use a cheap DVR card bought off ebay", that's why I know.
  16. Then you should install PIRs/motion detectors, and forget about video motion detection (which will give you false positives).
  17. Securame

    IP Camera Audio

    LOL, an IP camera with two audio inputs, so it will "isolate" one from the other. You have been watching too much CSI. Good luck with that.
  18. Securame

    looking to upgrade my mini-cctv

    BNC is just the connector. The fact that your card has BNC connectors does not mean it will see/record a HD-SDI camera, it will not work.
  19. Securame

    looking to upgrade my mini-cctv

    You will not be able to record an HD-SDI with your current set up. Your capture card only supports analog video, so you need an analog camera.
  20. Securame

    IP Camera Audio

    You need to install an external microphone, and put it near where you want to capture audio. No, you won't make magic happen so the music goes away.
  21. Securame

    Need advise -camera system

    I would recommend a POE switch. Less cables, less clutter...
  22. The thread does also seem useful to me. If somene would decide to do this using the admin account, well, no comments... I guess that anyone who is able to embed an image on a web page should know better than that.
  23. Do not assume, and forward the ports yourself (or put your DVR IP address in the DMZ).
  24. Securame

    Dahua 8 ch DVR in the UK?

    This is a current model. It does come with remote control. There is also 5108HE, which is the same as 5108H + alarm inputs. The other one you linked on ebay, an old model that only does D1@6fps. Forget about it.