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Everything posted by Securame

  1. No problem on sending a serial, you have a PM. I will check if the code is right.
  2. Securame

    Looking for DVR with Chrome / Firefox Support

    All current Hikvision and Dahua units support IE, Firefox, Chrome... What I can not tell you for sure is if they also support Linux.
  3. Ooops, nevermind... iVMS-4200 is for computer. If you are using mobile/tablet, you will be using iVMS-4500 (which also does not need to know any ports). I would do so. But I always have the same ports outside (router) and inside (DVR/NVR/cam), so I can not tell you if it doesn't work with hkDDNS when they are not the same. But I do know someone else was also reporting issues. But again; it would be smarter to first make sure that it does work connecting direct to your public IP; and then bother about hkDDNS.
  4. Firmware version V2.3.3 build 130603 Encoding verison V1.0 build 130507
  5. You do not specify any port on iVMS-4200 if you are using HiDDNS. Install the latest iVMS-4200 if you do not have it yet. On older iVMS-4200 versions I think you just had to leave the port at 80. Your Hikvision device will tell the server the ports that it is using, and the server will tell iVMS the ports to use. You do need to specify the web port when you et up your device on hikvisioneurope.net, but only if you are using a different external and internal port (like, if your external 11080 port is forwarded to the 80 port on the camera). Edit: Keep in mind that HkDDNS (or HiDDNS) is not just a normal DDNS; it does more things than just redirect a domain to an IP.
  6. I do have it there... I see that mine are by default at 704x576 (which is the substream on my cameras), but I also have the option "Auto". No idea on what "Auto" does.
  7. Securame

    Massive list of CCTV tutorial videos

    This will come in handy, thanks!! " title="Applause" />
  8. I think so, but I haven't played with the options for a while. Also: Camera settings -> Snapshot
  9. Securame


  10. First you need to configure this section: Configuration -> Network -> Email Then: Camera settings -> Motion detection -> Whatever channel you want -> Linkage method -> Send email (also, configure the arming schedule you want, if it is not 24/7) Unless it is a camera with very little movement, you might get tired quite soon of receiving emails. Even more if it has IR at night. You will have to adjust/play with the sensitivity.
  11. As I said before I thought that "connection failed" meant http access not OK. That's why I didn't try forwarding of other ports yet (and the fact that I need to setup port forwarding on two different routers at home ), when I read you I guess I was wrong to think that way. Web port is for access with Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc. In fact you could open just 554 and 8000 if you do not plan on accessing the cameras from a web browser. 8000 is for data, 554 is for RTSP (video streaming). Hikvisioneurope.net is actually very easy to use once you used to it. Btw, I recommend using hik-online.com or hiddns.com instead of hikvisioneurope.
  12. Wonder how you expect it to work without opening the ports... As milkisbad said, first make it work directly on the IP; and then bother with hikvisioneurope.net (which I am quite sure you are doing it wrong).
  13. DS-2CD8153F-E20110629BBWR---s/n--- Nope, that one is also 34 characters, so not all IP cams have odd length.
  14. I tried this with no luck a DVR 5108HE and with a NVR 5216. I am mainly used to Hikvision units and this is easy to set up on them, so I am starting to think it can not be done with Dahua... What I would like to do is have a different output on the VGA and HDMI ports. Like, maybe see cameras 1-4 on the VGA port and 5-8 on the HDMI port. All I get is a cloned display, so I see the same on both outputs (even the mouse cursor, etc). I have been told that I can only see different outputs with the units that have a "spot out", which is kinda useless, since I think that on the spot output I can only see one channel (events, etc). Does anyone have something like this working? Or I am out of luck with Dahua?
  15. Mmmh good question then. The s/n on that string is just 546641810. I never bothered checking how many characters the full string has, but the first one I just checked is 40 (a DVR). DVR7208HWI-SH0820130330AAWR---s/n---WCVU
  16. As of now, Hikvision serial numbers are 9 digits long. I guess that sooner or later they will have to change that, when they run out of numbers...
  17. That kinda sucks, at least on the NVR. I guess that's why they don't have a spot output on them, having 1080p cameras displayed on an analog output would be kinda lame. Any other hints are welcome!
  18. That's how it is supposed to be. The "playback" section on the web interface is for playing back recording on a NVR, NAS, etc. Not for playing back recordings you have done manually on your computer (which your camera can not even access, or know that exist). If you want to playback those files, just go to the folder where you store your recordings, and double click.
  19. buellwinkle, With IE most issues related to permissions are solved by running IE as an admin. Look for the IE shortcut on the menu, right click on it, "Run as administrator", and try again. Without being an admin, IE has some limited rights for writing to almost anywhere on the hard drive outside of the user folder.
  20. On iVMS-4500 you need to configure the data port (8000 by default). That is the port used to connect to the NVR, login, get device info, channel info, etc. But all the video streaming is done over the RTSP port (554 by default). That port is not configured on iVMS-4500, so I guess that iVMS-4500 is pulling the info somehow over the data port from the unit. Keep in mind that something is not right on my theory; since it would also not work from outside the network, and it does work for you. But I always use the same external and internal ports... That's why I would just change the NVR ports to also be 9901-9904. Good luck!
  21. Wow, really...?? 8W vs 4.4W?
  22. Your Dahua IPC only uses one port; your Hikvision NVR uses two ports. You are connecting fine to the NVR (9904=>8000), but then you are failing to see live video (9902=>554). My guess is that since the NVR is what tells iVMS-4500 what is the RTSP port, NVR is telling your mobile that the RTSP port is 554, and that is what is failing. That is, you can see the NVR information, maybe you can even see a list of the recordings, but as long as you try to see video (which uses RTSP), it fails. Edit: Btw, I do have this working fine, but my external ports are the same as the internal ports.
  23. Just disable UPnP, and configure your NVR ports as you want them. If you want to use 9901->9904, use the same ports on the NVR.
  24. How are you configuring iVMS-4500, what port are you using? If it does work with Dahua, then you should have NAT loopback, and it would also work with Hikvision. Looks like you are configuring iVMS-4500 wrong.
  25. NAT and NAT loopback arte two different things. If you want to connect from inside the same network using the dyndns.org domain, your router must support NAT loopback. Otherwise, from inside the network you will need to use the lan IP (192.168.1.x or whatever).