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Everything posted by Securame

  1. CBX, Awesome work you make with Hikvision. Keep it up! " title="Applause" />
  2. Securame

    Hi from north west

    You can check in under "Location", right here on the left. It helps to put it on your profile, so everyone can know where you are from, in case you ask for advice, price, local laws, etc... <<<< Location
  3. What is a "multicast stream"...?
  4. Securame

    WD Announces Purple Surveillance Line

    Just saw this today at SICUR 2014. I wonder if they will be worth it, and if there will be a huge price difference when comparing to other kind of WD HDs.
  5. If I am not wrong, the codes for Dahua only worked when used locally; with a mouse and monitor connected to the DVR. They can not be used over network. Can we see gen_hik_secure_code.php, or we better not ask?
  6. There are 3 ports to be forwarded; web, data, and RTSP. If you can not connect to the stream you are probably missing the RTSP port. If you do have it forwarded (by default 554), you might weant to change it to something else. There are ISPs that block this port, for whatever reason...
  7. iVMS-4500 is the software used from mobile to access Hikvision devices; DVRs, NVRs, IP cameras, etc. You can use it if you have just an IP camera, you do not need to have an NVR. iVMS-4500 is for mobiles, iVMS-4500 HD is for tablets/mobiles with bigger screen.
  8. No idea on how to do it from the WebGUI, I know how to do it from iVMS-4500, and I am sure it can also be done from iVMS-4200.
  9. Securame

    Door sensor triggering. How to?

    The technical name is "alarm" or "alarm inputs". Any IP camera with alarm inputs can be used with any kind of sensor, magnetic sensor, contacts, PIRs, etc.
  10. Securame

    Stream over the Internet

    That is correct, as long as you have scheduled your recordings to happen when there is movement/alarm triggered.
  11. Securame

    Stream over the Internet

    Main Stream (Normal) and Main Stream (Event) are the recording resolutions. You normally want to have them the same, but you could have (for example) your DVR recording 24/7 at a lower resolution/frame rate, and when there is an event (motion detection, alarm, etc) have it record at 1920x1080@25fps. When you log in remote from a computer you can also view the substream. When using the web interface, go to: Configuration -> Local configuration -> Stream type and choose Sub Stream.
  12. 1 - What you are looking for is iVMS-4500 for Android or iPhone. 2 - You can, but you would need to have IP camaras with alarm outputs.
  13. Securame

    Hi from north west

    North west from where...?
  14. It will sound when you tell it to do so. You can configure an alarm output to trigger when there is movement on a given channel, when an alarm input triggers, activate it by hand from iVMS software, when there is an exception, etc...
  15. Securame


    They are surely great at spaming, I also get many emails from them.
  16. Yes, he HAS to buy a new one if he wants full D1 on each channel, that's what I meant on my first post with "you need to upgrade the DVR". I did not mean a software upgrade, an update will do nothing.
  17. I doubt that is a new unit. Firmware from 2 years ago... I do not remember the model name for the 1ch D1+7ch CIF models, but they have been discontinued for quite a long time.
  18. Securame

    HD capacity calculation

    It will depend on the bitrate being used on those channels.
  19. I always use a gmail address with Dahua and Hikvision. It is only used for sending emails from DVRs, NVRs, IP cameras, etc, and I have no problem using it at all. Free and it will take you just a few minutes to set up, why not just make one?
  20. Securame

    Jpeg 2000 standalone help please?

    Jpeg 2000 compression sucks. If you want more than a couple days worth of recordings, think about upgrading to a newer DVR with H264 compression, you will get way better quality and more days worth of storage. And once a unit fills up the HD.. it will stay full forever (or until you format the HD). Of course the "HD full" light will stay on, since it is full, the unit is overwriting the old recordings with the newer ones.
  21. What unit do you have, what is the model? Your unit probably is 1ch D1 25fps and 7ch CIF 25fps; that means that channel 1 is D1@25fps and the rest of the channels are either CIF@25fps or D1@6fps. That is a hardware limitation, you will not solve it with a firmware upgrade. If you want D1@25fps on all the channels, you need to upgrade the DVR.
  22. No idea of what MS AD DC is; but besides local user management, each Hikvision device also has its own users, and its own user managament.
  23. Securame

    choppy dahua 3Mp bullet feed. How to improve?

    Try it with your computer wired. Your internety speed won't make a difference on your network speed. Maybe using a network switch will, your router might also be the bottleneck.