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Everything posted by Securame

  1. Securame

    powring down hdd on generic 4ch dvr

    Powering down an HDD on a DVR? That's not gonna happen. Feel free to install an SSD drive if you want lower noise or power consumption.
  2. kathir, What is your 7216 model? You can see it here. Also; why on earth would you configure a CIF stream at 2048Kbps? And then use lowest video quality? Doesn't make much sense. If in doubt, reset your DVR to factory settings and start from scratch. Any 7216 is perfectly capable of streaming with minimum lag on a network, either you have missconfigured something, or your computer and/or network sucks.
  3. Also, make sure DVR1 and DVR2 use different ports.
  4. I think that when you turn on motion detection on one side, it turns on itself on the other side. I am just installing an hybrid (1604HFU if I remember correctly, 16 analog channel and 4ch 1920x1080@25fps) and when I turn on MD on the NVR, it turns on also on the camera; if I disable MD on the NVR, it turns off on the camera. So I would say the settings are synced, changing one will change the other.
  5. Securame

    hikvision dvr firmware

    Check the model again, I am quite sure there has never been a DS-7016HC-S. Maybe DS-7016HI-S? Anyway, I would say the latest 70xx firmware must be at least 3 years old.
  6. Securame

    Using No-ip and the like

    Your DVR probably uses more than one port, how many have you forwarded? It sounds as if 85 is your web port, and then you might have some more ports needed for the remote viewing. If those other ports have not been forwarded correctly, you won't be able to connect from outside the network.
  7. Wow, that is one crappy video... I have no idea how that camera is supposed to look, but I surely would not want it on my back yard. Edit: Compare with these two videos.
  8. This has no relation at all; it is related on how your router /and most) find the device names through a network, and many embedded devices will show no name at all. If your reouter does not have any option to name a device and it is just a cosmetic issue, I would not bother.
  9. What's the point on this argument? I have a demo camera and I do have directly forwarded RTSP outside ports to it, so yes, it is accessible from internet. This is a camera I do not care everyone seeing. Of course if I had a NVR inside the lan and this was a private camera there would be no need to open RTSP from outside, and I would be connecting to the NVR, not the camera. I think all of us around here know enough in order to just open the ports/devices that are needed, if there are 24 cameras noone is going to forward 48 ports, since the NVR is going to be inside the network. Peace!
  10. I have been unable to find a way to view from remote a 1080p stream from a Dahua IPC. I have a HDB3200C demo unit which I can take to a customers place to show it; I connect it with a small battery and access point, and then I can easily show a customer what the camera is seeing. I recently purchased a Nexus 10 which has a 1920x1080 screen, which I thought would be ideal for demos because, it would show the camera quality at full resolution. But I have been unable to find a way to connect to the main stream with either GDMSS or GDMSS HD. I have both versions paid, and GDMSS HD allows you to configure the extra stream (CIF and D1), but I can not connect to the main stream. With a laptop I can use PSS and connect to the main stream with no problem. But it is way bulkier to move around, and my current laptop only has a 1366x768 screen, so I am "losing" half of the pixels. Any hints on how to see the main stream from Android, or it just can not be done for now? Thanks!
  11. Does anyone know if there are any alarm input sensors that are triggered by audio/sound? I relly never thought about this before but a big customer brought it up today. They had a break in through a wall that even had motion sensors installed; the motion sensors did not trigger an alert. They were even able to go past the PIR sensors (no idea how; but it seems they even got on camera how they did it). An audio sensor would have saved them from the break in, so now they are trying to improve their system with this. I don't even know if something like this exists; a sensor that when the audio goes over a given number of decibels will just close the relay. Thanks!
  12. Securame

    Alarm inputs trigered by noise/audio

    I'm not that much on alarm systems, so I really have no clue on how to avoid a PIR detecting someone or how they did it to them. But it did happen. The guy probably knows way more than I do abaout alarms, we are mainly CCTV. But on their case, I am quite sure that an audio alarm would have worked, and it would have worked way in advance to any PIR, vibration sensor, etc., I doubt anyone can go through a wall without any sound being done, and the alert would trigger before they have been able to get inside. What I am looking at preventing is something like this. Not exactly this, but you can get the idea (they didn't just use a hammer and made a hole, that would have triggered the vibration sensors).
  13. Securame

    Alarm inputs trigered by noise/audio

    It could do the job, audio input so any microphone can be used, and I guess I can make it trigger an alarm output. Not cheap, but at least it can be done.
  14. Securame

    Alarm inputs trigered by noise/audio

    That is nice, I think I have never seen any camera or DVR that has the option (actually I have never looked for it, maybe it is hiding somewhere on some units). But on this case I would need it just as an external sensor, since it is for an installation that already exists. They have already a few DVRs, cameras, sensors, etc, and would like to add "noise sensors" on the system.
  15. @dexterash, That worked great! VLC is still in beta so it has a few glitches, but it is more than enough for what I need. And the video quality is way better for doing some demos (the camera I am using here has a crappy 2.8mm lens without IR correction). I do get "artifacts" on the video once in a while, no problems. Thank you! " title="Applause" /> http://i.imgur.com/NpAZFVh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/cE8mRB8.jpg
  16. Securame

    what do you call the new plug and play dvrs

    UPnP is for the port forwarding; the DVR will "speak" with your router, and let it know what ports it needs forwarded. Your router must also support UPnP for this to work. DDNS is something completely different, but many different DVR manufacturers support different DDNS services. I mainly use Hikvision and Dahua, they both have their own DDNS system.
  17. Awesome idea, didn't even think of that. Thanks!
  18. Nexus is 10" 1920x1080 screen; there is a HUGE difference between watching a stream at 704x576 and 1920x1080 (I can see the 1920x1080 streams with iVMS4500 HD and Hikvision IP cameras). And the main stream can be accessed remotely, it can be done from PSS from a PC. I am just wondering if it is possible to do it from a tablet/Android. I am also not trying to do it remotely with a bad internet connection, I am right next to the camera.
  19. Securame

    Dahua new residential line dvr's

    Those are some weird looking DVRs... Never seen them before, I also think they must be quite new.
  20. Take a look at Dahua IPC-K100W. I still have not tried yet, but I hope to do so soon, it looks like a great camera for home use. 1.3Mp, micro SD, PIR, white led, wireless, bidirectional audio, ... http://www.dahuasecurity.com/products/ipc-k100-k100a--k100w-225.html
  21. IVMS4200 users are NOT the same as your DVRs users. You have a login/password for accessing your DVR, and you have a different login/password for accessing your IVMS. Are you creating a new IVMS account, or a new account on your DVR? Creating an account on IVMS4200 will make that if that usera logs in IVMS4200, even if the software has been set up to fully access your DVR, he will be limited to using those options. But he is still connecting to the DVR with the account you set up when adding the device on IVMS4200. If you want to make sure the account is working, connect to your DVR with Internet Explorer, and try to log in with that account. Doesn't work? Then you created the account on IVMS4200, and not on the DVR.
  22. DS-7204HVI-S build3_2010.1.27.rar Why do you need to upgrade? Feel free to PM me an email address if you want that one, it is the last one I have been able to find. I have newer versions for 7204HVI-ST and later models, but I do not know if they would work with 7204HVI-S. Disclaimer: If you mess up anything, it is not my problem.
  23. Both Hikvision and Dahua have software for Mac available for free from their web site. No clue about Avtech.
  24. It might depend on your climate, but generally speaking, it is not ok. No matter if the camera is protected from rain, it will not be protected from humidity, dust, dirt, etc. so eventually it will be more likely to fail than if it is was installed indoors. But it will also depend on the type of camera. Some cameras are better protected than others, so even if they are not rated for outdoor usage, they might work ok if the climate is not harsh. A PTZ foscam outdoors... I doubt that one would run for many years