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Everything posted by Securame

  1. I can vouch for that. Sony sensors that come for Japan are already in short supply in Shen Zhen (and I guess everywhere else) and prices have gone up, I do hope it will only be temporary until Japan starts recovering.
  2. Securame


    Never seen that. That is an old/discontinued model, maybe an old unit that is failing and reaching its end of life? You might want to backup your config, restore to factory settings, and do some tests with a new config (manual record/playback) to see if it works ok. If it doesn't, maybe something has phisically failed on your unit, and if it is out of warranty, it would not be worth repairing. I would also try playback over network from IE, that way you can see if it is actually playback that is not working ok, or if the recording has been made with the upper part of ther image frozen.
  3. I think it is just a matter of the manufacturer saying "we have not tried, you are on your own", than any cards not being AMD compatible. My main test computer for DVR cards is an old Athlon 64 computer, and I still have not found a card that doesn't work on it. I can also say I have tested 3 Hikvision cards on the same computer with no problems at all. Not only that, but you can mix different kind of cards, like maybe a 16ch D1 25fps/channel card, and a cheaper 16ch CIF 25fps/channel card. They should give no problems at all, when running several Hikvision cards on the same computer.
  4. Securame

    Ganz harddrive upgrade

    You can try a 1Tb SATA hard drive, with a SATA to ATA adapter. It will not always work, and it will also depend on the extra room you have inside the DVR, some adapters might fit, some might not, or maybe you do not have room for adapters at all. If it is the last case, then you can only use ATA hard drives, and I think you will have it difficult to find anything bigger than 500Gb, and price will be a lot more expensive than SATA.
  5. Securame

    remote observation on android phone?

    There are no problems using any Hikvision DVR with Android and iVMS4500. Hikvision DVRs use 2 ports (web and data), by default they are 80 and 8000. For Android phones you only need data port, but you should have both ports accessible from internet. I do not think buying a Hikvision DVR is a "mistake", you just need to configure it right, but the problems you need to solve would be the same for other DVR (opening ports on router, etc).
  6. The best (pinhole) low light camera I currently use is 0.00035 sense-up 32x, and it's quality is great. Don't know about the model you are referring to, but if the specs are real it should give you very good quality in low light conditions.
  7. By dual board, do you just mean that it has two pieces of PCB? The "sandwich" you see there? Bigger board would just mean more circuitry, more space needed for all the "chips" and all the stuff the camera needs for working. Could it have been made "wider" instead of "two levels"? Sure, but since the sensors are usually mounted on standard size enclosure, then by making a different size sensor they would also need a customized enclosure. It is probably just easier to put everything on two pieces of PCB, and put them toguether, you will have a "fater" board but it will stary on the standarized size. Just my two cents...
  8. (I hope I can skip the obvious "it is authentic?" question) This happened to me only once, and quickly went away. It was a Dell with Win7 Home preinstalled, but it did/does have internet connection. Hopefully the warning will go away after a reboot, but if it doesn't, I would try to give it internet connection for a moment and see if it is trying to validate himself somehow...
  9. Hi, Can anyone who has used the TV wall functions on iVMS2000 tell me if they will only work with decoder cards, or if it can be used with normal computer monitors? If I set up a DVR server that has a multiple output video card/multi monitor, can I use the non-primary monitors as TV walls from within iVMS2000? On the manual I read "Generally speaking, any display unit can be adopted to TV wall system." but I do not seem to be able to get it to work with a VGA monitor, and I wonder if it will only work with hardware decode cards... Thanks!
  10. Securame

    planet security usa - anyone know abt this?

    There are more, but two things come to my mind pretty quick: "price" and "quality"
  11. Securame

    DVR supporting https

    If you are so worried about connection security, maybe you should look into seting up a VPN/SSH tunnel when you connect to your DVR, that would do it. I pretty much doubt you will find anything that uses https by iteself...
  12. Hello, I have always installed consumer grade HDs on DVRs, and so far I have only had one HD fail, but I have read many times around here and understand the need to use better quality HDs, since they will be working 24/7 and should store sensitive data. Now, while I had seen server HDs before, I never bothered checking which kind of HD they were, but I have gotten my first DVR that came with HD installed from manufacturer (Hikvision); it came with a Seagate *SV hard drive. While I usually won't find this HDs on normal computer shops, now I usually buy from a "storage" shop (they just sell HDs, memory cards, pendrives, etc) and here they do have a wide range of HDs. On Seagate I see they have *AS, *SV and *NS hard drives. Price difference from *AS to *SV is very little, so I guess will be purchasing *SV hard drives from now on. Anyone knows what the *NS will stand for? There is quite a big price gap between *SV and *NS. They also have WD hard drives, but I do not know how to tell which ones to pick; I have read about "green" series and "black" series, but I would not know how to tell which one is each, since part numbers are like WD5000AAKX. Any suggestions on how you pick your HDs? Thanks!
  13. I have not even tried, but did you guys have any problems when trying to use BTWinCap drivers under Win7? (32 bits I must assume). I would have thought that those drivers would not work under WIn7, since they are old and have not been updated in many years, 2004 from what I see on their web site. Any hints on how to get BT878 cards working easily under Win7 are welcome, I would like to give them a try!
  14. We like to put on our web site screen captures and make guides on the DVRs we carry, and we have used until now a crappy USB video capture device for Windows. Since all the DVRs we carry now have VGA output, I would like to find a way of taking screenshots from a VGA signal, if possible without doing VGA to video conversion, and then capturing like we are doing now. Most DVRs will have no more than 1024x768 or 1280x1024 resolution, and converting it and capturing it at 704x576 or pointing a camera at a computer monitor do not seem good ways for taking screenshots. I have seen come VGA capture devices, but they are mainly for doing video capture and they are not what I would call cheap; this one is about US$300, a bit too much for just taking a few screenshots now and then: http://www.epiphan.com/products/frame-grabbers/vga2usb/ Any other ideas on how I could acomplish this with some cheaper hardware? Thanks!
  15. Securame

    How to capture screenshots from VGA output?

    I have to agree with that... And a screenshot of maybe 1024x768 resolution captured converted to analog at 704x576 (PAL, NTSC it would be a bit different) just doesn't make justice. See rory's screenshot above or the following (resized/croped to make it smaller than 150Kb). Small text also can become very difficult to read. Guess if I want to capture VGA at 1024x768 or 1280x1024, I will just have to pay for a good VGA capture device like the one on my first post. I would have anyway with screenshots, not that I really need video capture, but I doubt I can find something that would just take screenshots from a VGA output.
  16. Those are Hikvision cards, the one Kenny pictured above seems to be nothing like those...
  17. I have used D-Link DWL-2100AP access point for a while, and I will keep using them while they last since I already know how to set them up quick. They cost me 46.90EUR+tax, and I use them when using the wifi is the quickest way to connect a DVR to a customers network. http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=292
  18. Hikvision does have a card named DS-4004HCI, but the one in your pics and on the linked PDF is not even close to it. http://www.securame.com/tarjeta-dvr-pci-hikvision-ds4004hci-4ch-videoaudio-100fps-2cif-p-722.html HCI models are 2CIF, the one you have is just CIF. If there was ever a DS-4004HSI (HSI models are CIF) from Hikvision and that card has been rebranded, I do not know, but you could try testing Hikvision drivers.
  19. Securame

    HIKVISION - DS 7008 HI

    I never said that replacing the HD will "reset" the password. The HD does have a unique UUID and the hash for the password is on there. That's why I specifically recommended the OP contact Hikvision support. I pretty much doubt that. A Hikvision DVR can have a password even with no HD installed, so I don't think that it stores anything on the HD, since no HD is needed for having a password other than the deafult one. jethro36, I have to agree that if you have to spend too much time fixing this, it might be better to just trash the DVR, and buy a newer and better model. HD can be reused on another DVR.
  20. Securame

    HIKVISION - DS 7008 HI

    You could retrieve the code yourself, so I do not see why you should have to send your DVR with HDs to your agent. I do not think you would be able to send the serial yourself, since there would be no way for Hikvision to know if it is a legit unit or not (it could be a stolen DVR). So I would say that unless the inquiry comes from someone they trust, they will probably not send the reset code.
  21. Securame

    HIKVISION - DS 7008 HI

    I got a reply from Hikvision, and they gave me two methods for reseting a DVR password. Both of them involve sending the serial number of your DVR to Hikvision for geting a reset password code, which then can be entered on the DVR either via network or serial cable. So I kinda doubt swapping out the HD would do anything.
  22. Securame

    Stand alone DVR HDD

    It is a PATA hard drive then.
  23. I only see the 500Gb and 1Tb models, I would guess they also make 1.5Tb and 2Tb models?
  24. Securame

    HIKVISION - DS 7008 HI

    Are you sure about that...? So just by replacing the HD, you get the password reset to 12345??
  25. Securame

    HIKVISION - DS 7008 HI

    DS7008 is an old unit and no longer being manufactured. If you were to break it, it would not be a big economical loss, you could replace it for a newer/better model for not that much money (7208). That being said; I do not know of any way of reseting a Hikvision DVR if you lose your admin password. I am not saying there is not one, I just never bothered (we give a printed and digital documentation on every installation with all the needed data, passwords included, and stating that if they are to lose their admin password, we will have no way of recovering it for them). I have sent an email to my Hikvision contact asking about the subject, I will report back if I get any news.