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Everything posted by SteveMyers

  1. I have been reviewing three IP/MP cameras and have a question. Why would anyone buy a 5MP camera? I have a AV1300M(1.3MP), an AV3100M(3MP) and an AV5100DN(5MP). I've tried MP lenses from Fujinon, Tamron and Computar. The main requirement is it must be able to go 6mm or lower. I have asked several people to look at the video from all three of these cameras. Everyone can see the difference from the 1.3 but not one single person can tell the difference from the 3.0 and the 5.0MP image. I read somewhere here that the lens makes the camera, but which lens? Asking Arecont does no good because they don't answer their email. Am I missing something here?
  2. SteveMyers

    Why buy a 5MP Camera??

    Have you ever worked with the Arecont AV510x series? If so, I'd be very interested in knowing what lenses you have tried. I had no problem getting a good lens that matched the 3.2um pixel pitch for the AV3100, but so far no luck with the AV5100 yet. I ordered a Navitar NMV-8M23, but it takes two weeks to get one... What I have observed so far is: Any of the previously mentioned Megapixel lenses work just fine on the 1.3MP AV1300. The Fujinon, Kowa and Tamron look best on the 3.0MP AV3100, but give almost the same image as the AV3100 when mounted to the 5.0MP AV5100. Looking closely at their MTF specs reveals why.
  3. SteveMyers

    Why buy a 5MP Camera??

    Thanks for the input. To make myself clear, I never pretended to know anything a bout digital cameras/lenses, hence my coming here and asking questions. What I do know is that the images I can see with my own eyes show me absolutely zero difference in the 3MP and 5MP camera/lenses I bought for testing. From what you are telling me I can only come to the conclusion that the information about MTF I'm getting from Fujinon, Computar, Tamron and Kowa is wrong. Both Kowa and Fujinon told me to contact Navitar and get one of their 2/3" 5MP lenses if I expect to see a difference in 3MP to 5MP. Reading the information at www.optikos.com/Pdf_files/how_to_measure_mtf.pdf tends to make their point clear. I have the top 1/2" MP lenses from Fujinon, Computar, Tamron and Kowa. All of the companies technical support people I spoke with tell me that none of their "Megapixel" lenses will resolve down to 2.2um, which is what the 1/2" sensor on an AV5100DN needs. To paraphrase what one of the techs told me (not a direct quote, as best as I can recall): “a lens for a CMOS sensor is a different animal then one for film. For one thing, film doesn’t care as much about the attack angle of the light hitting the emulsification layers…â€
  4. SteveMyers

    Why buy a 5MP Camera??

    I think you miss-read my question. (or better yet, maybe I didn't make myself clear) I understand the difference in the cameras, 2592x1944 vs 2048x1536 should be a visible difference in image...if there was a lens available that could actually "see" 2592x1944. Using a 3MP lens on a 5MP camera results in only a slightly better image that a 3MP lens on a 3MP camera. All it does is combine the pixels down to about 3MP. I keep searching and so far I have found only one lens that claims to be 5MP+ rated and has a focal length of less than 6mm, a KOWA LM3NCM 3.5fl c-mount. I'll contact them in the morning and if indeed it is rated at 5MP+, I'll order one and see if it works as advertised.
  5. SteveMyers

    Why buy a 5MP Camera??

    I've been Googling this for days... The comparison to a regular, consumer type camera doesn't work because those all come with matching lenses or, in the case of the ones with detachable lenses, matching lenses are available from many sources. Arecont won't answer the question but, if I Google their "recommend" lenses, I get 3MP max. Computar told me they all of their MP lenses are 1.3MP max and they are "working on"3MP and 5MP and expect to have a product in a year or so. Tamron said basically the same thing, 1.3MP max. Fujinon has 5MP in 2/3", but nothing to be used on wide angle Security systems, only 12mm+ Machine Vision lenses. They also told me using a 2/3" on a 1/2" format camera cuts back even more on the viewable angle.
  6. SteveMyers

    Wrong type of lens for a Arecont AV5100DN ?

    Thanks for the reply C7 in CA I told them this and they said they will waive the re-stocking fee, but it will take up to 45 days to process a refund unless I want to order something else. I’ve read every post I can find and still am lost for a decent recommendation of an exact lens. Everyone say’s Tamron, Computar and Fujinon. Looking at the various companies website shows me: Tamrom has one, M12VM412 Computar has two, H2Z0414C-MP and H0514-MP Fujinon has one, DV3.4X3.8SA-1 None of these are rated over 3MP. None are rated for IR use. None of these are fixed focal. Other people tell me to use a "regular" Tamron IR corrected lens for the best overall results. I guess I'll just start buying one of each and see what works. If all else fails, I guess I'll have to go with Schneider Cinegon 1.4/12MM at $1,600.00 a pop...NOT
  7. Hello all, I'm a complete newb to IP cameras (obviously by reading below) I called a discount store and ordered a Arecont AV5100DN to test with. The sales guy offered me a couple of choices for lenses, one of which was a Tamron 12VG412ASIR-SQ 4-12mm F/1.2 He said it was the proper size 1/2" to match the camera, so I ordered it. Well... it doesn't work. This lens only "sees" anything if I point it directly at a light and even then it’s very dark. Since the sales guy apparently knows less that I do, I need someone to recommend a lens that will actually work with this Day/Night camera. Also, for curiosity sake, why doesn't this lens work right?
  8. SteveMyers

    Wrong type of lens for a Arecont AV5100DN ?

    Thanks for the reply. I guess I'll have to eat the re-stocking fee and get something different. The store more than likely will want to exchange rather than refund, so maybe a Tamron 12vm412asir will work? I read somewhere here on the forum that Tamron was one of the three brands, along with Computar and Fuiji, that are the best for this camera. Is this wrong?