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  1. ukcctv


    on a windows 7 laptop?
  2. yes please update. I will help you get your settings right, as I have one of them domes beside me right now, and the exact same equipment that you have too., and yes its not very nice on ladders in the rain!! and yes the pins need to be how they were when you took it out the box.
  3. the only cat5 cable I use is 2 wires to the dome for video via baluns, this is still "up the coax" put the pins on dome back to normal set the dvr to coax for the ptzs
  4. why are you messing about with all those cat 5 cables blah blah blah? I have all that gear you have and loads of pany domes, and they all use up the coax one wire? ptz - dvr controller using up the coax? no need for anything else, the dvr sends the signal for the ptz through the coax
  5. ukcctv


    aswell as my Panasonic dvrs, I also have a ds2, I can add hardrives and make new ones etc (just by using a caddy and downloading the software on to the drive) can windows 7 be used with serial to usb lead to connect to the dvr as id love to be able to this, I did try some months ago but could not get my wind 7 laptops to connect to the ds2? # would love to buy broke ones off ebay, lost password ones and fix these myself
  6. has anyone got these dvrs, and has anyone managed to get these dammed machines to send email alerts?
  7. i have a panasonic wjhd316 have had it for quite some time, attached to my network via router, i can contol the unit and cameras with no problems from home or remote location via the web. but, i have never been able to get the unit to send emails, and i have never been able to use the ftp function!! i have signed up to a free ftp hosting site, entered all the details and the passwords etc into the panasonic unit but nothing works. is there anybody who has this unit set up for emails and ftp and has it working? please someone help me as i dont know what else to try, the unit is amazing i just wish to use these 2 features. i may allow a exper remote accses to my unit so they can set it up for me kind reagrds and thanks in advance