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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. bpzle

    Home movie editing programs

    Oh, and my desktop is a Vista 64bit machine with dual core intel, 4gb ram, and 512mb dual monitor video card. Hdd space isn't a problem...
  2. bpzle

    20,000 Sq/ft Indoor Arena needs cameras

    Packaged systems? Blah... there is no single camera right for every job. You don't have to spend an arm and a leg on this but I would stay away from packaged deals. That way you can pick and choose each camera, even send one back if it doesn't do the trick. Also, in 99% of the "packaged" deals I've seen the included cameras are very poor quality. I've tested quite a few of the "popular" ones... I could go on and on about why they suck... but there's only so much time in the day. I know its tempting, but be very careful if you take a peak on Ebay or down at Costco/ Frys. Lots of junk from China being sold and what seems to be crazy good prices... not so much.
  3. bpzle

    20,000 Sq/ft Indoor Arena needs cameras

    Neat project! Price? Hard to say... every job is different. Depends on how you have your rooms setup, lighting, etc.... I would recommend using a dvr instead of some pre-historic multiplexr. I know you don't need to record but this will be the most cost effective way to see all the cams at once. Plus you could do neat things like get the cams on the internet ad view from phones or computers... Are you interested in installing this system yourself? I have some pretty cost effective ideas... but would need to know more details.
  4. Professional box cameras do not come with lenses
  5. They are cheap cameras use them till they stop working then get new ones or do the job right and order outdoor dome cameras. +1
  6. Again... make/ model is key to knowing if an upgrade is worth it. I'd say if you ALREADY have something that gets the job done for your current cameras... unless you plan on purchasing MP cameras in the near future to me there's no point in investing in a hybrid today. DVRs makes/ models will come and go... technology is ever changing, improving, and getting cheaper. I'd say if you're happy with what you have today, stick with it. Now, if you were starting out from scratch and had zero dollars already invested I'd say go hybrid and don't look back.... assuming it's in your budget.
  7. bpzle

    AXIS P3346

    Get her online yet?!
  8. bpzle

    Need new suggestions.

    Not true. His cameras are wicked awesome cameras for the daytime, with great lighting, and for subjects up close! I hope that's what they were designed for... if not, that's just CRAP false advertising! EXACTLY! Couldn't have said it better... Sorry, I disagree. I think his real problem is the cameras natively perform poorly under low light conditions. Blasting IR will only add a band-aid to the real problem. Obviously, you're correct... adding white light will make it better, but again another problem surfaces. Thats a residential neighborhood, light pollution is probably a concern. Not to mention, it's going to be tough to get lights and a motion sensor to reach out that far from the house. My recommendation is to get a good quality box camera, minimum 50mm varifocal lens for a nice tight shot of the cars (you NEED this to get detail aka pixels per foot aka ppf on your target), and use a high intensity IR illuminator...with a tight throw width in order to reach the area. Also, just another fyi: external housings for box cameras are cheap and easy to come by.... but you'll also get the "OMG look at that big ass camera!!!" effect if it's on a house. Good or bad? You decide. I wouldn't want it on my house... but that's just me. If I have residential clients with the same feelings/ needs to see things far away, I can usually get creative and get the box camera to see through the window so it eliminates the need for an unsightly housing. I personally don't care for 90% of CNB's products... I've found others in that outperform for the same price range or cheaper but hey... whatever floats your boat.
  9. bpzle

    In a pinch..

    just a warning from a similar situation... this guy went cheap on the original investment... now has to start over. viewtopic.php?f=53&t=24622 obviously any system can deter crime... but if thats the only goal save some cash and buy some used, broken gear! the only one who would know the difference is you! or the police when they come knocking for evidence... and if you anticipate the ladder happening, invest more.
  10. bpzle

    Where to install cameras

    Sorry to hear this... an all too common problem around this forum/ business. If we help you, will you stick around long enough to help warn others?
  11. To answer your question, we need to know more specifics about your ebay DVR. Problem is, most are rebranded and their true identity is "hidden" Chances are I've used the DVR you have.... I know I've used the DVR you are considering...... One of the things you will find in real life tests and comparison on DVRs is not all spec sheets are created equal. Just because it can do X resolution at X fps... doesn't make it good or bad. The image QUALITY can be great or suck for a number of reasons... codec? bit rate? processing power? color? depth? the complexity of the compression algorithms? quality of components? immunity to interference? the list goes on... it's easy to get caught up in engineering, QC and design details... but ultimately you gotta just go for it.
  12. bpzle

    Scorpion is alive and well!

    Sounds like you need a good old fashioned American Stimulous Package!! Lol
  13. What is the display for??? Unless it's some mad scientist's test instrument, odds are there a simpler, easier, cheaper way of monitoring whatever it is.
  14. Those are important questions that a spec sheet will never address. I just got through talking with a client... spec sheets and cost alone are not all you need to look for. WITHOUT real world experience with the product(s), it's nearly impossible to make well informed decisions. Even here on CCTVforum.com there's no shortage of skewed opinions/ advice... "There's no experience better than your own." If you don't have the time/ money to make mistakes... in my opinion you're pissing against the wind trying to do it on your own...
  15. bpzle

    DVR Recommendation

    where are you located?
  16. what kind of equipment is it? chances are i may know how to work on it, or give you a better solution. what kind of LCD is that? monocrhome, like this? or is it a 7 segment lcd, like this: try changing the angle of your camera. make the camera look straight at it, not looking down like it seems to be in your pic.
  17. What is the compression quality like? Resolution and frame rate are only part of the equation.... Is the user interface user-intuitive? Is the client software stable or buggy? Is the evidence sharing a PITA? Does it require a proprietary video or player? Will clips play with Windows Media player? With or without a plug-in? What operating systems does the client software support? What browsers does the browser client support?
  18. does avermedia make you pay to use IP cameras with their system? No
  19. I'd bet my paycheck that you don't need wireless. Don't waste you money on things like that svat thing... I've tested endless amounts of junk like that. It's all the same. I would recommend getting at least a quality 8 ch dvr (not from costo or ebay, or some online Chinese supply house). Buy one camera at a time and add more later to keep upfront costs down.
  20. i didnt see that he had geo. my bad however, i disagree with the "good dist" argument though. yes, a good supplier is a large key piece of the puzzle... but suppliers dont come out with software updates, patches, ip cam protocol support, new mobile device apps, evolving browser/ OS compatibility, improved gui's, ect... outside of basic quality hardware, these are what make or break a product. i'm not saying geo doesn't have it... but they don't answer my phone calls or emails so i dont give them business
  21. avermedia can do this. basic cms software is free too... no liscenses to buy and they answer the phone when you call
  22. Depends on your definition of "working." Do you have any other goals other than capturing the plates?
  23. bpzle

    Old People Fighting

    Bones, I'm glad you've made it and only do enterprise work now... No sarcasm intended. However, I'm going to have to agree with ptzguy. Quality equipment (altough hard to find) at "Average Joe" kind of prices does exist. And no, you don't have to shop flea markets or wait at the docks for the slow boat from China. Just give me a call. Bosch, Arecont, Avigilon, Vigil, (even CNB).... it all serves a purpose but it's not for everyone. Personally, I have to diversify my clientale just to eat. I wish I could get by on just one type of customer (yes, I also do enterprise)... But in this economy, I've found way to "get 'er done" for low prices to appeal to anyone. It is possible, and it can be a respectable business by anyone's sandards. Its a different path that you take, but it doesn't mean its the wrong way either. I've gotten some of my biggest to-date jobs by getting referrals from the smallest of jobs. Its challenging, ever changing, and I like to know the entire market, not just a niche.
  24. Not even an option around here. 6 dealers in the state and they aren't interested in adding any. Yes they are. Just supply a steady stream of customers, and don't try to compete with existing dealers. The last thing Avigilon wants to do is allow a new kid on the block that wants to go to bid with the big boys. Avigilon is awesome, but the big boys have other toys so its all about saving face. You won't find Avigilon installers on Craigslist. That's a good thing in my opinion.
  25. My gut tells me that outdoor dome housings big enough for those cameras and with heaters/ blowers.... you're going to pay more money for the housings than you did for the cameras. Not to menton, I doubt these cameras were evere designed to perform outdoors in low light enviornments. (Specifically the 4exm...still waiting to hear which vivoteks you have) You'll most likely get better results selling the cameras you have, and using the money to buy something that is designed to do what you want it to. That's probably not the answer you want to hear, but based on my exprience and the limited info given for the task at hand... that's the best one I can give. Hope it helps!