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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. Sorry... I missed your point and probably what you're trying to say... However, short of the obvious and notorious retarded installer... I don't really see how an "installation" has ANY affect on the design and electronic theory behind using a fused power supply box vs hardwiring everything directly to one big, unprotected wall wart....
  2. LOL! You caught me... my geography isn't what it should be. At least give me credit because you knew what I meant???
  3. Easy killer! If you're that proud of your country start saying better things about it! Don't just defend it every now and then! I've formed most of my opinions based on what I've heard you talk about that place... I was in Dominican a while back... Outside of the resort compounds, I saw endless numbers of shacks. Extreme poverty... poorly constructed buildings... no legal economy outside of tourism.... Yes, I'm American. However I didn't choose to be born here. I appreciate what I have but envy or pitty should never play a part in one's judgement of a group of people... that's just ignorant. Sure, some of the things I buy are Chinese... but the quality control/ design is what I REALLY care about. China pumps out some good things every now and then... but it generally has to be something simple or have VERY strict quality control. Fuses are fuses in my opinion... Throw in one more measure of safety and everybody wins. Safety first!
  4. bpzle

    1500' Cat5 video loss

    BTW- I meant no offense Carl. Seriously... I respect your opinions and look forward to reading the next.
  5. bpzle

    1500' Cat5 video loss

    Here's the way I look at it... Carl with his wondrous electrical theory/ engineering knowledge could whip out an oscilloscope and some kind of fancy meter I don't even know exists... I bet he could tell you without any shred of doubt what product performs better or worse than the next. I have no doubt in his ability to do this. HOWEVER, My customers don't own oscilloscopes... HELL, neither do I. What they do own is a couple God given eye balls. They either like or they don't. And by the way... I own a set myself and oh, over the years I like to think I've developed a pretty critical eye for what sucks and what doesn't... Who's wrong and who's right? Here's my answer: Will your solution last? Is the quality good? Is the price right? Does it save you installation time and ultimately money? Is the customer happy? WHO CARES about the rest?!?! lol
  6. I feel lucky... we get VERY good pricing on fused/ ptc power supplies... To NOT use them is just silly... But we also have building codes to worry about. It's not just a safety deal, it's also a liability. Totally different way of thinking vs slapping up Chinese gear on to a poorly constructed pile of cinder blocks that may or may not last the next hurricane... At least that's what I gather by vacations to and reading your posts about the Caribbean.... I could be wrong? lol
  7. bpzle

    Need advice for a good home system

    Samsung eh? They sure have that fit and finish down! That thing would look AWESOME in a home theater rack.... Here's the problem I have with Samsung: They have a great business model. Great name, great brand, great products. However, they also don't make a lot of what they sell... found that out here recently just by accident by comparing notes with a "Samsung" customer here on the forum. Turns out the "off brand" units I have in stock are 1/4 of the price of what he paid and are nearly identical. Not as slick a looking chassis but same software, EVERYTHING... Samsung is a big company. They didn't make that DVR, they saw a good product and decided to slap their name on it. I'll see if I can find that thread... For the price of a Samsung DVR you could have a nice hybrid unit like that Avermedia... Hybrids allow you to use IP cams in the future. That's great because right now IP cams are still pretty pricey for average homeowner... but like anything else, just sit back and wait. Pretty soon you'll probably be able to get 5mp IP cams in blister packs down at Costco. Also, if you want hybrid... know that standalone units will have limits compared to have PC based. Lots of pluses and minuses... no doubt you'll hear a lot of sales pitches and opinions when you start looking for this stuff.
  8. Btw-this is the same reason that all of your electrical circuits in your house are NOT just hooked to one big arse breaker...
  9. +1 Couldn't have said it better. Also, a lot of power supplies no matter what the application, not just for CCTV (even wall warts) have safeties built in to shut off in case the current draw is too high or there is a direct short... It's been my experience these "safeties" (if they exist at all) can and will fail... Yes, I've seen them start fires before. Individually fused or PTC power supplis are worth every penny. There's a lot you can skimp on... but you're pissing against the wind if you want to rig up a computer PSU for cameras. No offense, but that's a foolish waste of time. Could it work? Probably.... but is it worth it? NO.
  10. bpzle

    Need advice for a good home system

    Ahhh... it all makes perfect sense now! 4 acres? I'm jealous! Around here one could open any window in the house and pee onto their neighbor's house! Lol Wow... I don't think I get to say this often, but I think your budget may be too steep for all you're looking for. Assuming you don't have to go ptp wireless to cover that large area or need PTZ to check in on livestock or something... I'd be happy to answer whatever questions you have. Feel free to PM me and I'd be glad to help/ chat about your neat project.
  11. bpzle

    Need advice for a good home system

    Oh.... and just for fun, check this out: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=23923 What type of DIYer are YOU?
  12. bpzle

    Need advice for a good home system

    16 cameras for residential?? That's a lot of cameras! Your neighbors are going to think you've broke crazy! Lol May I ask you to help paint a picture of what all you're trying to cover? Maybe even a quick and cheasy MS paint drawing might help us make suggestions on placement/ equipment selection... $5-7k is a pretty good budget for a residential job... especially for a DIY job... LOTS of options... but also lots of ways to waste that budget if you're a rookie to CCTV. Standalone dvr? Blah! For that budget why not have HD??
  13. Looks like you'll just have to change all the DVRs out! CHA CHING! lol jk There is a "universal" CMS software out there... but it's limited on the makes/ models it supports... I forget the name of it but I have seen it floating around the forum somewhere. Not even sure what you'd need to search to find it...
  14. This has trouble written all over it... Those rj11 cameras will have trouble sending a picture 25ft... much less 600ft. Those cameras are bottom of the barrel, dollar store, could probaly buy blister pack of 10 for $50 at Costco. That's fine if you only want to keep an eye on your dog while you're away...but an absolute joke if you're trying to protect anything of value. Another guy on the forum put it well: equipment like that are just overpriced timestamps. You'll know exactly when you're car was broken into, but nothing else. Forgot vehicle or suspect description of any kind.
  15. bpzle

    Large install

    Very cool! I'm almost more interested in your network than the cameras/ servers! Lol
  16. bpzle

    Looking for a Night Cam without LED lens

    There are wavelengths that can be more or less visible to he human eye. For flooding such a large area, I don't think RayTec has much competition for invisible wavelengths...
  17. bpzle

    Large install

    I'm assuming the backbone and network gear is already in place? Is there other traffic on this? Are you working alongside IT/ NOC guys or do you have the freedom to retrofit/ design your network how you wish?
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280618499769#ht_500wt_1156
  19. I've got this: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=2&ved=0CAwQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.americandynamics.net%2FWebApps%2FgetDocument.aspx%3Ffilename%3D8000-2708-01_B_E.pdf&ei=FjWlS-_bFYu1tgfV1aSFCg&usg=AFQjCNGcnnczN606z4oIFV6bqKWNCPV1Qg&sig2=aDB5rI9sfAfbRYS-Ikf-0g I've also got the mounting base: ADIOB, and the recessed ceiling mount: RHIUTH. This unit was pulled for a system upgrade. It was in an indoor location. It was working when pulled. It powers up, does an "apple peal" start up, and displays perfect video. However, I don't have anything in stock that can control it. I've got a couple units that have "American Dynamics" and "Sensormatic" protocols, but nothing seems to work with it. It was originally controlled with an American Dynamics brand control system. I've heard these things only like to play well with AD stuff, even though their supposed to work with other systems. It's taking valuable space, make me an offer.
  20. bpzle

    Looking for a good home security camera

    matilda, Where are you located? It has been my experince that alarming based on video motion is a very bad idea. Yes it can be done, but you'll be getting constant false alarms that will become so annoying you'll want to turn it off. Especially outdoors, but indoors as well. There are affordable and more practical ways to accomplish what you're trying to do...
  21. bpzle

    I need this

    It's been my experience that "Security guard" companies usually don't know anything about CCTV product selection, much less about IP CCTV products. Around here, to even make a statement like that would get everyone in the industry laughing pretty hard.
  22. bpzle

    Advice needed for low light application

    He has little to loose trying to... but I don't think that's the problem. Any solid line in the night shots isn't blurry. Just crappy... Even if he cleaned the outside of the camera's lenses... which are obviously a little dirty, my gut just tells me those cameras and crappy to begin with and a waste of money for outside night shots.... But obviously, try the free tips before you get replacement cameras!
  23. bpzle

    Standalone DVRs for Macs?

    Thanks Rory! Before this post I did search the forum via Google and I ran accross a thread where you had screenshots on a Mac... Is that Mac client software full featured? Audo, playback, live... the works?? Any mobile apps?
  24. bpzle

    Advice needed for low light application

    Have the images always looked this way? How long has the system been installed? A security company installed this??