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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. jackdf. you are best getting a pro company in to do your install. first off your dvr is just basic/ no ip/ so that need changing first of all (thats the first lot of money wasted) it also sounds like you have never done ip before. but you wont protect your install with that dvr. +1
  2. bpzle

    This is our trade

    How about the famous $250 Neiman-Marcus Cookie Recipe story that's been floating around since before the Internet? I'm not sure if I follow your point...
  3. bpzle

    This is our trade

    I was only bringing light to faults in Baylab's analogy and argument. Using it against him. That's how rebuttals work.
  4. bpzle

    Question about setting up a camera system

    As mentioned, use an HD camera designed for surveillance. Most consumer HD cameras are not designed to be on 24/7... They like to shut themselves off after a while. The problem is there's no cheap and easy way to distribute HD video... If the TVs already have integrated tuners, a device that could modulate an HDMI signal over coax would be the easiest way to go. This device allows you to create your own HD channel, using existing cabling and equipment. Look at ZeeVee.com If the TVs are just monitors, another option would be to convert the HDMI signal from the camera to VGA and use StarTech's VGA over UTP adapters/ distributors. Check out StarTech.com
  5. bpzle

    This is our trade

    Guess you've never heard of "secret recipes?" Colonel Sanders anyone? Chef's can be nice people, even helpful. Doesn't mean their going to share everything with you... Try going into a 5 star restaurant, look at the menu, and say "this is too expensive, I won't be buying anything but this sure looks good.... I'll take the recipe for that and also I'll also take the chef's cell number so I can call him when I get stuck." Great way to get a slap in the face by a passionate cook. lol Funny though, you've probably seen this same restaurant on some lame afternoon TV program preparing something for the cameras, listing the ingredients, showing you how to make it. Why? So people can make it at their homes and NOT come to their restaurant? Sure, maybe a few will try it with mediocre results... Or maybe it's a taste of what a professional can offer... You get a glimpse of what your money will buy you. Not to mention it's free air time for hundreds, even thousands to see without paying a single cent for a commercial spot. Get my point? I've helped hundreds on this site. But my answers are just small pieces of their puzzles. At the end of the day, I have to put food on the table for my family. There's just somethings I won't tell you. If you want a professional CCTV system with first class customer service , get ready to open your wallet. You're not going to get either of those for free.
  6. bpzle

    Jack Liu give u more

    Last time I saw one of those places THAT full, they had a sign out front that said "Beat it!" AAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'll be here all week folks .
  7. bpzle

    EVO vs Iphone 4

    Since we're in the mood of sharing... how bout this one: So many priceless one liners....
  8. bpzle

    Jack Liu give u more

    Can we touch you ? Are u for real He got every ting you want! Cheap, and quality! Jack love you long time!
  9. bpzle

    Foggy night image

    can you post an image?
  10. If you find that even after everything you've tried, you still can't get it to talk... I would have your ISP send you just a modem and then you can buy your own router. That's what I had to do with a recent client... They had a Netopia dsl modem/router/hub piece of crap too and I never could get it to work. And yes, I knew what I was doing
  11. bpzle

    CCTV video magnifier for legally blind person

    What you need is a document camera. I wouldn't bother trying to make a CCTV camera work for what you're trying to do. They are not designed for objects up close. Plus a document camera will come with everything you need like the lights and stand. Avermedia makes them, check them out at Avermedia.com
  12. bpzle

    Catching Mail Thieves

    I think I'd make a false package and booby trap it. Like maybe one of those paint ball mines. Use a cheap cube camera from CNB and temporarily tape it to the inside of the peephole on your door. Hook it up to an old time lapse vcr, I'm sure you could find one for $50 on ebay... Certainly cheap, covert, and you'd get some laughs out of the tool that's theivin' when the paint explodes all over him. Of course this would all be temporary. If you wanted somethin permenent and a little more functional you'd have to spend more. The temporary setup I thought of would cost around $100 for everything.
  13. Do you pay for your hotmail acct? Hotmail does not provide a free smtp/ pop server. Gmail is the only one I've got to work.
  14. Home Depot carries solar powered motion activated LED flood lights... $80-$120 each. I'd be interested to see their performance on a project like this. I was thinking of buying a few to try out on a portable CCTV trailer I'd like to build one day..
  15. bpzle

    EVO vs Iphone 4

    Quick! Someone make one for end users looking for a $300 CCTV system with 7 cameras and a ptz, all with IR
  16. bpzle

    ACTi 1231 WITH bracket $500

    As far as I know, I have the lowest price. Am I going to go to war with myself? What's wrong with yours? I thought you highly recomended them over at the other site....
  17. bpzle

    EVO vs Iphone 4

    haha... ignorance amuses me too I still have a Palm
  18. bpzle

    Outdoor Camera Housing Question

    A quick Google under "weather grommet 1" " this popped up: http://www.fastronixsolutions.com/Wiring%20Accessories/grommets.htm
  19. bpzle

    Outdoor Camera Housing Question

    Well... some of the box camera housings I use actually have vents in the back. I have some running several years, but we're also in a pretty hot climate with short winters.Also, the vents are designed to keep rain out, even when it blows horitzonaly. The holes your talking about are not designed for this. Especially considering that the vast majority of housings are angled down, it seems that would be a good entry point for water. It seems to me rain would hit the housing and gravity causes it to roll down, and possibly enter those holes. The bigger question is, why are you selling used housings? You can get news ones for so cheap... Doesn't seem worth it to me to compomise the equipment they are supposed to protect. At the very least buy some of those grommets online...
  20. bpzle

    Cameras From eBay

    on a different forum there's an end user that thinks I'm an idiot because I didn't suggest what she found on Ebay. Apparently the Chinese "Megapixel" market has really taken off. Just Google the stuff... hilarious claims. The one she found actually advertised "$200, 1.3mp at 30fps, 100' IR, POE, etc". 100ft IR... on POE? Really?! No, really?! lol It amazes me people just keep buying this crap
  21. bpzle

    Cameras From eBay

    And one should not expect you to supply everyone with a free sample. All I'm saying, if there is any truth to what you claim about your products... put your money where your mouth is. If your products are as good as you claim, you should have no problem submitting one for review to an active member of a very popular CCTV forum. Doesn't have to be me... send it thewireguys, Rory, or even Soundy (wonder how many CNB references would be in his review ) I'm sure any one of these guys would be happy to give an honest, unbiased review of your product. There's a lot of people that resepect what professionals have to say on this site and I can't imagine why you wouldn't want the publicity for the world to see. Unless of course your products are NOT what you say they are. In which case, you have every reason to stall.
  22. I've personally replaced probably 200+ drive in my day. The majority of them have been Seagate.
  23. Oh... you refund the original shipping and cover return shipping cost too? Afterall, what good is a garuntee it costs the customer more to send the items back than to just throw them in the trash?