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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. I've got one for sale in the classifieds. Practically new, still under warranty. I'd be happy to hook it up for a live demo if you'd like.
  2. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    One of my suppliers mentioned they carried Wonwoo as their equivilant to CNB. Hilarious name) but anyone ever heard of them or used their stuff? Name sounds like ebay crap...
  3. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    Meh... that wasn't the initial goal. But I kind of expected to see at least the silhouette or shadow of someone standing a couple feet away from the entrance of the garage.
  4. bpzle

    Licence plate camera

    never heard of that brand. I did however look at their site. I see most of their "starlight" cameras have internal infrared. hmmm... that raises some red flags. most all their other cameras look like cheap ebay crap.
  5. I was looking at a similar product from a different manufacturer recently... I believe they have extreamly slow shutter speeds??? I would be interested to see moving targets. Something actually useful. Still impressive though. Looks like daylight with full color.
  6. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    Also, we had some offices with zero light at night that we decided to try their internal IR cams on. I picked internal IR for what I assumed ease of install but not so much. There isn't enough room in the housing for the IRs they put in there. You have to pull the IRs out and remount them in the housing to get certain positions. Tiny little jewlers screws... what a PITA on a ladder.
  7. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    There were 3 garage doors that took up roughly 30 percent of the scene. The rest of the scene was inside a well lit warehouse. I expected the WDR feature to reduce the amount of wash coming in from the outside. I expected to be able to see outside a few feet as well inside. And I also expected to see more than just sillouetes of subjects entering from outside. The "tech" for Wonwoo had to hook one up the same models up in his office to walk me through the settings. I could tell he didn't have much real world experience with this model and that he too was disapointed with the results. Although he didn't say that, I could hear him struggling to make it better and uncomfortable that he had to defend his company's product. Maybe he recomended crappy settings due to inexperience?? But I don't know... I'm no stranger to cameras... I'm pretty confident it was as good as it's going to get.
  8. bpzle

    Need Advice Regarding Home Setup

    Henry does make some valid points...However I would have to agree with Tom and say that going with an off brand DVR is riskly. I've gone through plenty of my day and they tend to be pretty buggy with poorly written software and support. Avermedia makes a killer 4 channel unit that in some cases is cheaper than what the no-name resllers are selling their junk for. Aver is a bigger company, better support, and constant firmware/ patches are being developed for new feautres and compatability. There's much more one has to consider than just a spec sheet... Ease of use, functionality, reliability, and most importantly support. With no-name junk you're usually restricted to the reseller's support which is often times limited as they are not engineers/ software developers.
  9. Wireless shmierless! I can hide cable anywhere! Tell the boss to pay for my vacation to Canada, a couple cases of Molson's and I'll get er done for ya!
  10. True, I guess I missed the part about 64bit. Still, I think there are far less issues and much better support on brand name equipment vs ebay bargain bins.
  11. Yet another tragic tale of poor support and poor products... It's easy to see why there is a constant battle for us to educate people why buying quality products from reputable companies are worth the extra few dollars...
  12. bpzle

    LPR Cam

    http://www.messoa.com/global/product/index.aspx?id=19 Any thoughts? Pricey, but looks interesting...
  13. bpzle

    LPR Cam

    Or this one... http://www.messoa.com/global/product/index.aspx?id=142
  14. bpzle

    6480 and vostro 430

    We always have the OS on a separate drive than the video. Some guys partition and put some video on the OS drive but that's just asking for trouble IMO.
  15. bpzle

    Wireless security systems

    We don't deal with wireless... but we use GE security products a lot with pretty good success. I would stick to them as they are a big company with a solid background in security products. I'd stay away from those Mickey Mouse looking security products like the others you listed. Looks like trouble and no support.
  16. hmmm... well "their" IP box cams look like panny's to me. i wonder if a non-rebranded's (did i just make up a new word?) protocol would work without buying a license??? probably could get cheaper... i would really be interested in finding out though... i have some liquor stores coming up that have geo at a few sites. not looking forward to having to figure ANOTHER dvr out!
  17. Any models in particular? Most if not all are re-branded looks like...
  18. I'm not familiar at all with Geo... Do they really meet all the OP criteria? I would be very surprised....
  19. not soon enough! they couldn't give me an ETA
  20. You can exclude NUUO Avermedia Exacqvision None of them will do everything you've asked. Not sure about Milestone, too expensive for us to even bother looking at.
  21. bpzle

    They stole my car seats Help with new system

    Wow... that's pretty horrible footage. Even if I knew those people, I'd be hard pressed to recognize them. If you can't tell who it is, you've wasted your money. No, No, No, to Amazon and Ebay... just because you can get a camera for $40 doesn't mean you should. I understand we all have budgets, but what you're looking at are child's toys. Not at all useful for security. Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but educating customers is a constant battle for professionals. Buy quality first, quantity second.
  22. bpzle

    Howdie from Oklahoma!!

    Welcome from Texas! I'm originally from Tulsa.
  23. I've shopped around... without making your own out of a board camera, lens, and housing... kt&c makes a pretty good one. It's called a "peep hole" camera I believe. I've installed them flush mount onto door frames and walls. They're only good for things up close, obviously.