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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. bpzle

    wavy lines--here & there on one cam

    First question would be: how is the camera powered? From one central power supply or several "wall wart" style plugs on the wall? Try connecting the camera directly to the DVR. That will tell you if it's a cabling issue. More than likely the cabling has come too close to some high voltage equipment and/ or lines. I would also swap the camera with another known working one. You will want to isolate cabling, the channel on the DVR, the camera, and the power supply. Not in that order though. It could be a lot of things. Ground loop isolators will probably help the issue, but it will only be a bandaid on the true problem.
  2. Agreed.... say no to green. I had some serious issues writing to them, too slow.
  3. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    Granted it was a tough scene... but literally nothing I did made anything outside visible. I would barley even classify this camera as having BLC, much less WDR.
  4. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    No, I haven't. It's not very often where I have no choice but to use WDR. Normally I like to turn cameras away from bright things.
  5. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    So I installed one of their WDR cameras and.... not so much. The FOV was inside a well lit warehouse with a couple garage doors opened to the outside. Extreme amount of of wash... Really not what I was expecting at all. I thought I had screwed up the settings or something and got a hold of WonWoo tech support. Everything was set right and they just gave a BS explanation for why it was a crappy picture.
  6. bpzle

    Help with image quality

    There is a "focus" ring and a "zoom" ring. They are separate, and serve 2 different functions that I believe to be self-explanatory. Who was your supplier? If they're a reputable company, they should be able to provide simple support such as this for free.
  7. In this industry, there's a lot of competition. Not all are worthy to be called "competion." Any donkey can buy cheap crap and sell cheap crap at prices to the uneducated consumer, appear to be a good deal. People think just because they can get $40 cameras at Fry's and Sam's Club, that us professionals are overcharging and taking advantage. Unless there is already a relationship with the potential client or they been referred to you by someone they trust... price is usually king of winning bids. It takes a while to build up a reputable list of suppliers. There's a lot of crap out there, there's a lot of companies that sell mainly to end users (retail) and claim to have dealer prices but not so much... If you can get better prices than the competition, you can "one up" everyone else. For this reason you're not going to get many honest answers in a public forum. HOWEVER, since I was in the same boat as you not so long ago... I asked the same questions and was fortunate to get in touch with some really great people. I feel I owe it to the next guy to be just as helpful in return. Feel free to PM me and I'd be happy to share some tips.
  8. Contact the people you bought if from. If they are a reputable company, they will support their products. We do...
  9. bpzle

    6480 and vostro 430

    Varies on the hdds. I thought that tower could fit at least 4 total... can't remember.
  10. bpzle

    opinion on recommended system

    If cost isn't a factor, why analog crap? Go megapixel!
  11. bpzle

    6480 and vostro 430

  12. Ahhh... I see. What kind of DVR is it? Have you thought of reducing the FPS/ compression quality to maximize storage?
  13. Maybe I missed this somewhere... but what's the problem with setting it on the "sensative" side? What's the big deal if it records something of no importance? At least your sure to get what you do need... I'm 100 percent for customer satisfaction, but we can't change the capabilities of the equipment. If he wants a more reliable form of motion detection, he needs to be willing to pay for equipment designed to do what he wants. Plain and simple. The only way I could see it being a PITA is if you had alarm events triggered by video motion detection. But we highly discourage that anyway... especially outdoors.
  14. bpzle

    6480 and vostro 430

    works great. only snag has been with 1 an outdated bios for the motherboard that caused some goofy PCIe issues. updated, good to go.
  15. bpzle

    opinion on recommended system

    I'm also a Digimerge dealer... However it's rare we go with them, unless they're running specials and we get some steals. Not sure how much their charging you... but I favor Aver's 8 ch hybrid DVRs. Should be around the same price, if not cheaper. And the biggest selling point... you can eventually add IP cameras to it as budget allows or as the prices continue to drop. Also, I've heard good things about Samsung's cameras but everytime I look at the price I walk away. A little too pricey for what you get IMO.
  16. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    Well sounds like they still dont have a clue about CNB, there are many types of CNB domes. Im sure for example, Wonwoo does not have an "eclipse" dome. Sorry, but Im just fed up with the stupid suppliers in this industry that dont know crap about anything, so I will call it like it is when I see it. Obviously, he wasn't referring to CNB's entire line. I think it's pretty crappy how you continue to judge people you've never met and don't even know the names of.
  17. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    +1 That's my biggest beef with CNB. It's BS. Check out my below email I sent over to Jessica at CNB when I inquired about buying directly, as I like their products since online stores are selling cheaper than I can get them. Funny, I never got a reply back. Jessica, I love your products and would love to be able to offer them. I think they’re a great value. HOWEVER, I have not been successful marking them up for resell like I have other brands. I’ve lost many sales because potential clients Google search CNB model numbers only to find them cheaper than my COST. I am forced to not sell your products. I can’t compete using my normal suppliers. Again, I love your products and would love to be able to resell them but you guys have GOT to get a hold on these internet prices… You need to come up with an agreement that won’t allow internet stores to sell directly to the public at dealer cost. You guys need to get it together and do something to help dealers and integrators out… You’re driving the price of your own products down so low that it’s killing all of us. Help us help you. Until then, we’ll have to look more towards brands such as Wonwoo…
  18. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    Again with the semantics war... My supplier didn't say those exact words. Something like, "well if you like CNB domes, you need to check out our WonWoo line. They're a little more expensive but a much better camera." I've already installed a few. I wouldn't disagree with that.
  19. Doesn't matter... I was talking about using a PC to update the WAN IP.This way, all you need to do is forward the ports on the router, and program the IP/ ports on the DVR. No DNS/ DDNS programming required on the DVR itself.
  20. We have 500 plus sites with conduit running all over parking lots for the past 15 plus years. All we use is standard cheap 22/4, cheap rg6, cheap UTP, and cheap 18/2 running to all types of equipment. I might add the parking lots see very heavy traffic. Everyday a min of 1500 cars, a few dozen semis, and lots of delivery trucks. No problems at all. Just like high voltage... if it's in properly installed conduit and the cable wasn't damaged during install it's fine. Terminations and splices, however are a different story. Obviously you need to enclose and protect these with more than just conduit. Case and point: I had the pleasure of troubleshooting some strange problems on one site. I eventually found where some donkey ran out of 25 pair, spliced more on and left them in the conduit, unprotected and wrapped in a ton of electrical tape. It took 4 years before there were problems, but it eventually surfaced.
  21. Crazy stuff... I prefer to leave that stuff blank and just install DynDNS updater tool to the desktop of the most frequently used PC on the network. On the DVR for the network I only set the ports, ip, subnet, and gateway and I've never had any problems.
  22. dopalgangr: Fan of the Nuuo, eh? What got you interested in them all of a sudden? I've moved a lot of cheap 4 channel units in my day... Just can't beat them for the price. 16 channel? Meh.... I'm kind of hesitant to invest (or convince clients to invest) in that kind of dough for something that isn't expandable and isn't serviceable. If it's more than 8 channels, PC based all the way... PC/ PC parts are cheap and readily available. If things change down the road, guess what! You can slap more components on and upgrade! If something breaks down the road, guess what! You can slap replacement parts in it and not loose your entire investment if it's out of warranty! Nuuo makes decent stuff, also look at Avermedia. Do some creative shopping or utilize an existing PC and you can come pretty close to your budget. BTW- I'm a guy and I stand up too!
  23. Honestly, I don't know the difference. I'm just a part swapper aka technician and small business owner. But, I can tell you that the CCTV industry is always a few years behind popular consumer products. It's all about supply and demand. Simple business. There simply isn't much demand in the CCTV world compared to everyday household electronics and computer products. It should only make sense that CCTV products won't have all the fancy (even common sense) R&D that your favorite gaming machine has.
  24. We don't use anything special. Usually just a 512mb Nvidia. As soundy mentioned, it's only needed for good local display. Doesn't affect the recorded images or what you view remotley, even on the same LAN. If you're building a PC based DVR (we call them servers) and the viewing client will not be used on that machine, onboard video is fine. However with products like Avermedia where the viewing client/ recording application run in the same application I would definetley get one. We usually use ones around $50 and they work just fine.
  25. I just can't believe you got the cop to dust for prints... Cops around here would laugh at the idea.