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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. bpzle


    Right. AC cams are also not polarity sensative. Unlike DC cams, it doesn't matter which lead goes where.
  2. I've got a 1650 case that I've had for years and use for all kinds of things... I'd like to get some replacement pick n pluck foam for it but holy crap, it's half the cost of getting a new case!!! Anyone know of a cheap knock off to the Pelican brand pick and pluck foam?
  3. finally showed up... wtf sanyo, get with it....
  4. Hahah... Ya I can see how it may come off that I'm pushing Aver for my own agenda... but not really. I sell/ service/ install a huge variety of products. I advertise that I'm an Avermedia dealer because I believe in the products. I'm a authorized dealer for other manufacturers... but I choose not to mention them for a reason. I only mentioned NewEgg because I know a lot of people order Aver cards off there. I get much better pricing though. I wouldn't buy cameras off NewEgg. Cameras haven't gotten cheaper... there have always been cheap cameras. It's like anything else... you get what you pay for
  5. I'm not too sharp with math... Anyone have some sort of online calculator to get me an idea of approximate coverage with IRs... I know I shouldn't trust spec sheets, but I'd like to at least get an idea... I need to know how wide the throw will be at various distances from an illuminator, dependent on the angle rating of course...
  6. Sweet camera! Where can I get one??
  7. Thanks for the replies. I guess I'm just looking for a simple geometry calculator... Something where I can punch in the angle degree and know the width of the throw at various lengths... surely something like this exists?
  8. bpzle

    DM Sprite 2

    DM is CRAZY expensive... why? I know there's a lot of fans out there... Can anyone please justify to me spending $7500 on a 16 ch DVR??? Does it make cappuccino too? What's the deal???
  9. What will your cameras be viewing? What will be the lighting conditions?
  10. Well, don't buy from ebay again... Avermedia makes good stuff... Check out the NV3000 or NV5000 if you want to stick with 4 channel cards... lots of features, well laid out, and well supported.
  11. bpzle

    Home system recommendation

    I've never tried running power and video in one jacket of cat5e for anything past 300 feet... I'd be hesitant to try it too. Probably get significant video quality loss without active baluns. Would also pick up lots of noise. Would probably have voltage drop (which causes higher amp draw). If you just want to pull one type of cable pull 2 runs of cat5e to those extra long runs. Dedicate 1 run to power, 1 run for video. Use all pairs in the one for power (4 wires for hot, 4 wires for common). Again, try to stick with 24v AC powered cameras.
  12. bpzle

    Home system recommendation

    Don't know how I missed that the first time... that's pretty far. Don't use cat5e for the power. Use 18/2 for the power and use cat5e w/ passive baluns for the video. Go with 24vAC voltage cameras if you can instead of 12vDC.
  13. bpzle

    Home system recommendation

    What is the distance?
  14. bpzle

    Home system recommendation

    Forget the details... My best advice is don't fall victim to another cheap "cctv in a box" camera deals off a website or ebay... Go for quality before quantity. Buy a couple things at a time. More as your budget allows. Here's a great DVR: http://www.averusa.com/surveillance/productdetail.aspx?id=68 Here's some great cameras to go with it http://eclipsecctv.com/specs/SPECDC557HIA_040209.pdf All you need to pull is CAT5e and use good quality baluns. Get an 8 channel, 5-8 amp DC power supply. Done! If you need demos I can set them up...
  15. OH NO!!! You lucked out buddy!!! Cat5e is all you need!!!! Use the rg59 for analog cams and double up 2 pairs for each leg of the camera power... You have limitless options with what you have.
  16. Avermedia NV5000 would work well... Although I'm not a 100 percent sure its been fully tested with the new i5 Intel processors. I doubt there would be an issue though.
  17. Avermedia NV6480e is a good card. It's also a hybrid so it can record high resolution IP cams for when the price drops enough for the average Joe or your budget allows. In the right circumstances, megapixel IP cams can actually save you money by reducing your camera count. For prices on the card, check on NewEgg or PM me and I'd be happy to help. Also, for analog cameras I've been using Eclipse for while and CNB most recently. I can send you sample shots if you'd like.
  18. bpzle

    CNB VBM-24VF

    I bet Soundy's Wacky Crazy Discount Camera Emporium has some in stock. Don't forget to ask about their patent pending ultra portable deluxe service monitor and laptop antislip device. Tell em bpzle sent ya!
  19. Also, I agree with soundy. It's much easier to remember and troubleshoot when you have a scheme.
  20. In my world... shoulds and shouldnts often don't and do.
  21. holy crap... we had it OVERNIGHTED from sanyo on monday and I haven't even got a friggin tracking number yet! wtf!
  22. I have a client that said theytrying to get a hold of him without luck. They were talking about some equipment and then all of a sudden Mike wouldn't return any calls. Hope Mike is OK!
  23. Also... another clear disadvantage of leaving them at DHCP is what if some donkey incorrectly plugs in a wireless router to your network? Guess what... you've got a rouge DHCP server on your hands. Yikes!! I've actually had that happen btw... Not with a camera network though.