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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. WELL... I won't claim to be an IP camera know-it-all... I'm on here too much for you guys to know better. BUT, I don't trust DHCP servers. I'm too afraid of it releasing and renewing somehow. Power loss, reset, whatever.... I've heard of others having luck with leaving their cameras at DHCP but I'd rather just be on the safe side. The other day I left a server to DHCP and I'll be damn if I didn't come back a couple days later and it had changed! No reason at all. Last time I do that...
  2. bpzle

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Puzzling CNB doesn't post their IP rating... The answer to the riddle is this camera is rated at IP65. Same applies to any of their vandal proof series. (VCx, VBx, V1xxx, V2xxx, etc.)
  3. which louroe did you try? did it have a preamp? if you used one, that's probably your problem. your camera is probably designed with a mic level input, not line level. sometimes cameras will have both, make sure you plug into the right one. not sure with the sony... Also, if memory serves me correct, there is a -10db switch on the back of the mic itself... Did you try that?
  4. bpzle

    ACTi 1231 WITH bracket $500

    *certain restrictions apply. see dealer for details
  5. bpzle

    ACTi 1231 WITH bracket $500

    here at bpzle's wacky crazy camera emporium, if we can't beat a new ACTi camera price, i'll just give it ya!!
  6. I'll say yes... but don't shoot me if it fries. I've never used that particular camera... I've just been around electronics for long enough to have an educated guess....
  7. google Veracity. another alternative if you have multiple cameras that need to be extended is get a couple cheap switches
  8. bpzle

    ACTi 1231 WITH bracket $500

    we're slashing prices at bpzle's wacky crazy camera emporium! only $450!!! you heard right folks, that's only one EASY payment of $450 for a practically brand spankin' new ACM-1231 WITH bracket!!! don't wait, PM now!!!
  9. +1 wouldn't know much about saltwater, but I like to seal everything up with silicone for sure
  10. download teamviewer, PM me your ID and password and I can take a quick peek
  11. just curious... what was your beef with Avermedia's software??? Have you used it??
  12. that PSU looks like it's regulated though... not an uncommon requirement for cheap board cameras. I'd be careful in selecting how you power it
  13. yellow would be the tip of a yellow RCA jack. the braided wire would be the ring around a yellow RCA jack and it would also be a shared common for the negative 12v DC voltage, the red is the positive 12v DC voltage.
  14. Sure. There can be lots of manufacturers. Open platform NVR software is required though... Yup 330 feet, but that's pushing it. You can get more with extenders what? of course yup ohhh... well that depends. resolution, compression, fps.... how'd you swing this job anyway????
  15. dang buddy... you broke or bored or both? lol when you stripped the wires, what are the colors for each one? black is usually negative DC (sometimes shared with video common), red is positive DC, yellow is video, and if there is a shield, that will probably be video common...
  16. bpzle

    Wonwoo CCTV???

    hmmm.... interesting
  17. Hi. you can use the same settings as the HD4000p. i will set-up a system on wednesday so as you can login and have a play. mine hasn't shown up yet tom, you got yours online yet???
  18. bpzle

    Best pic for $200?

    Where do people not in the UK buy one from?
  19. I've got some Optex beam sensors to put in a backyard without a fence that backs up to a public golf course. The owner thinks it to be a good entry point for thieves and vandals. I have some cable concerns... Anyone ever use a product like this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d.html/ref=mp_s_a_1/188-5996318-8068608?tag=gpse-20&m=A12KCMZOFVWNUR&qid=1271160107&a=B000I97GQ4&sr=8-1 I'd like to use cat5e for any possible future use. This stuff says its rated for direct burial...but anyone ever try something like that? How far down you think I should go? I was hoping to do what the CATV guys do and just wiggle a spade back and forth in the ground and sqeeze the cable down about 6 inches from grade... What do you think? Full blown trenching with conduit would be out of the budget, for sure.... There's also a lot of trees in the area that a Ditchwitch wouldn't like...
  20. bpzle

    Direct burial cat5e?

    Thanks for the input! I've got probably 500 feet or more to lay and I am not looking forward to it!
  21. Due for delivery on Wednesday! Woohoo!! New toy!
  22. Tom, What NVR software did you use? Doesn't look like Aver supports it... http://www.avermedia-usa.com/surveillance/download/EHseries/EH_EXR%20IP%20Camera%20Support%20List.pdf
  23. I attended a DM pep rally (class/ seminar) recently... There were a lot of die hard fans (mostly old timer integrators). Not really sure what was so special. The prices are crazy! Am I missing something?
  24. bpzle

    Best pic for $200?

    I'd like to politely disagree. I've tested a couple GE's (GE name, not really made by them) cameras... and not so much. Over priced with very little to show for it. I will agree that CCTV, like anything else, is "you get what you pay for"... HOWEVER $200 can buy a lot of (analog) camera these days. As mentioned, CNB is pumping out some killer stuff that will make you look twice at the price.