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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. bpzle

    CNB Mona Lisa

    interesting... I ordered a VBM-24VD last week. Just waiting on the UPS man.... I'll post a few pics
  2. And yes, I know the focus is soft. The plumber's house always has a leaky faucet.
  3. Here's a camera than can actually capture color in extremely low light. with no driveway lights WITH driveway lights
  4. Yes. How does this look? With street lights Built in IR only between houses Built in IR only in a garage
  5. bpzle

    DynaColor DG208

    Don't have any experience with that unit... BUT I've used numerous cheap standalones. I've seen where some don't play nice with certain HDs. Like it would work with a Western Digital but lock up with a perfectly good Maxtor or Seagate.... Doen't make sense... Also same goes with HD capacities. I had one that would work with anything less than 500gb. Try to go to 750gb and it would freak. I've also seen a lot of weak power supplies cause system lock ups. With one particular make that was out of warranty, we were actually able to rig up dozens of them to work with standard CPU power supplies. Not sure if your unit has the standard motherboard 20pin molex connector but it may be worth a try...
  6. You guys know of any? Can't seem to find much documentation on this motherboard to answer my question.... ASUS P5LP.
  7. It goes in a HP A1214N. I was looking for jumpers labeled something like that... for something that would make sense... Can't remember what the jumpers said off hand, I'll look again tomorrow at the only options and post them. Thanks!
  8. Good. Let 'em install it then! Nice to hear their going to make it right.
  9. bpzle

    help please with my dome

    hardwired, what's the range of ptz protocal over coax? is it the same as the video? does it matter from rg59 to rg6?
  10. Oh, that makes sense now... I thought they were trying to carry video on 18/2. That's good that they used 18/2 for the power. So how are the 2 different CAT5 runs connected? My guess is the only reason you'd need amplified or active baluns is BECAUSE they spliced it. Again, for long runs using passive baluns its a bad idea to splice. Are they going to charge you extra for the active baluns? Their the donkeys that ran out of cable, that's not your fault...
  11. bpzle

    stumped -- can't remote access system

    ISPs block a lot of ports. You can test port communication by going to Canyouseeme.org
  12. bpzle

    terrible audio feedback

    I would try to disconnecting the preamps from the computer and listening to them directly. This will tell you if its a problem with the PC and/or Geovision or if its a problem before them. Also be careful running audio wires near power wires. You can pick up some noise that way. Another tip is to keep the mics as far away from air ducts and vents as possible. Most will pick up wind noise.
  13. He spliced CAT5 and wire nutted it to 18/2? Wow... Did he run out of wire? What was his reason? Either way, I wouldn't do it. Especially on a long run like 700 feet. I wouldn't risk splicing it at all for a run that long... Anytime you splice, you add resistance and loose some of the signal. I'd definetley loose the 18/2. That's crazy. CAT5 and good passive baluns can supposedly carry video over 1000 feet, although I haven't personally needed to run it that far yet. There's others on the forum that have though.
  14. bpzle

    FPS question on NV5000

    I know they've added some additional features since 7.1. Can't remember what they were, but maybe its contributing to slowing down you system? What are the specs on all the systems you've noticed a decline in? I wonder if there is a common demoninator in the handful of systems you've noticed this on or if its actually a problem with Aver?
  15. bpzle

    FPS question on NV5000

    just curious, what did you end up going with?
  16. bpzle

    Is it possible?

    IP cams wouldn't be the only solution... Analog cams and a DVR with Central Management System AKA CMS software would do the trick. Look at Avermedia.
  17. peep game: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=18548&hilit=+sliced
  18. bpzle

    Anyone recognize this DVR?

    So what do you think of the thing? Used them? Reliable? They sure are cheap! My supplier just sent out an email advertising them with DVR RW, 250GB HD, VGA, and 16 channels for a UNHEARD of price. I'm not a huge fan of AV Tech, but for that price, holy crap!
  19. Can anyone tell me about this DVR? Is it an AV Tech? The model is listed as a CP-CPD538
  20. Are you talking about a "biscuit jack"? As in a jack with screw terminals and a female RJ45? If so, I've never seen that done before... except for the phone companies...
  21. I've kept my Windows based servers running 24/7 without issue... XP, Vista, and soon to be 7. Am I just lucky and never hear a complaint from customers?
  22. bpzle

    help with ptz dome camera

    you are not going to get a dome ptz with ir. not a pro camera anyway. you are best off with a p/t head and a good zoom camera and good illuminators. +1 Or, as always... the first choice would be to just add white light. AKA motion flood lights. They're a lot cheaper than expensive high power IRs. Why the need for IRs? Why be semi-covert?
  23. bpzle

    Anyone recognize this DVR?

    I thought the menu system looked familiar. Thanks!
  24. bpzle

    help with ptz dome camera

    How about a day/night PTZ coupled with one of these? http://www.rayteccctv.com/products-details.aspx?productid=1
  25. haha... true story. Even for dealer prices.