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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. we need the PC specs.
  2. Personally I'd recommend staying away from any kind of a " CCTV package". There is no "one size fits all" camera. Buy things separately, that way if one particular item is junk you can easily replace it. Take a look at this post: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=20177
  3. define "remote"? is this via the internet? or via the local area network? either way, I don't trust ITs. they tend to be stingy hogs with bandwidth. see if you make sure YOURSELF that the switch is set for 10/100 and he hasn't limited anything...
  4. bpzle


    that's really vague man... can you paint a better picture of what the system is for? what are the expectations? help us help you...
  5. bpzle

    aver.6480 and pos. help

    I'd like to know this too. Aver's site isn't updated with any Win7 compatibility, or maybe it isn't... What version of Windows 7? 32 or 64 bit?
  6. bpzle

    help with hardware

    BTW- you may want to edit your last post and remove your number. This is a public forum and you might start getting phone calls from crazies.
  7. bpzle

    help with hardware

    No problem. I'll send you a PM with my contact info if you have any more questions.
  8. I'm assuming your referring to a "box" style camera? Is the lens detachable? Kinda like this? If so, why did you pick this style of camera? Can you return them? I wouldn't rule out "dome" cameras just because you had cheap ones that sucked... In fact I would probably recommend a vandal resistant dome camera. If your stuck with the cameras you already got... there's a ton of protected mounting options. Do you have a drop ceiling, aka ceiling tiles?
  9. bpzle

    Videoviewr not starting

    what is the manufacturer of this "videoviewer" program? we need more info
  10. I agree that the software should not be "buggy" or ever crash. CCTV is for security. Plain and simple. It should be able to be trusted. Still, I have no idea what you've tested... but it sounds like no name Asian crap. And don't feel bad, there's a lot of it going around. Especially on Ebay. Also what wireless devices are you using? IP based wireless is the most reliable, but even IT has it's limitations. Analog wireless I refuse to use anymore. It WILL cut out and it's highly unreliable. Even the expensive gear... I was referring to buying an external IP based video encoder and compatible IP based recording software. Acti, Axis, Viotek all make encoders for 1, 4, 8, even 16 channels of analog video they convert to IP. These devices are compatible with various software. Onssi, Milestone, Exacq, Vigil, etc. Depends on what your application is. Home or business? What the purpose of your system? What are your goals? What is your budget? What bundles are you referring to?
  11. bpzle

    IR Cameras and FOG

    Alex, where is that night time picture at? That looks oddly similar to someplace I've stayed...
  12. May I ask why you are against hardware/ software combos? It's pretty rare to find a PCI(e) CCTV capture card that will be supported by multiple platforms/ manufacturers... That is really going to limit your options. What have you looked at thus far? What do you think "sucks"? If you really insist on separating the software makers from the hardware, there are large number of options for analog encoders aka video servers that are compatible with various IP based recording software. However these are external, networked devices.
  13. bpzle

    help with hardware

    BTW- good choice on the card. I'm a big fan of Aver's stuff, especially for the price. Hard to beat.
  14. bpzle

    Good manufacturers of Height-Strip cameras

    we use little board cams with a 2.8 lens mounted into our black metal door frames. most people don't know they're there, including the people that work for us. way cheaper than what your talking about... Why buy one device for $700 when you can buy the sum of it's parts for $150?
  15. bpzle

    help with hardware

    Sorry for the delay. These are good. Come with a fixed, wide angle lens. http://cctvco.com/SpecSheets/ECL-5H.pdf These are good too... Come with an adjustable lens for lots of install options. http://cctvco.com/ECL-5HA_security_camera.html We've had good luck (and so have many others on the forum) with Eclipse products at eclipsecctv.com . Unfortunately they don't sell to end users though. Only authorized dealers such as myself. What area are you in? I'm sure there's a dealer close to you that would be more than happy to sell you just the equipment for a DIY project. If not, take a look at their site and I'd be more than happy to provide prices for whatever your interested in. PM me though... against forum rules to post prices. Whatever you get, I'd try to stay away with IR cameras AKA "night vision" unless you absolutely need it. IR cams have their place in extremely low light or no light environments, but having real white light is always better. IRs tends to wash things out and screw up the tones in the picture. IRs are also a popular "work around" in cheap cameras to see in low light. A good quality camera won't need IR to see in low light and provide a much clearer picture. Given the environment you described, I think just a good camera without IR will do just fine.
  16. bpzle

    help with hardware

    So your willing to spend $100 per camera, and double that for a PTZ? Meaning you want to spend $200 for a PTZ? Well... hate to break it to you but I wouldn't spend less than $600 on a PTZ. But, the good news I wouldn't recommend a PTZ anyway. You've got better things to do than to sit there zooming around all the time. It would be better to just spend the money on more cameras, so you can just set the system up and forget about it. That way everything is covered and your guaranteed to get the footage you need.
  17. The standalone DVRs I deal with are cheapos... Haven't seen any with a spot out programmable more than the dwell time during sequential mode... Most PC based systems I've used have more spot out options. What phones are you trying to view on? The Slingbox is more of a retrofit to existing systems... OR a way to add support to some oddball phone the customer wants to view it on. I would be more inclined to just buy a DVR or a PC based system that has the support for the phone that you need already built in. Anytime you add more hardware it just complicates things. It's a last resort in my opinion.
  18. That would work if you need audio. Go to StarTech.com and search "vga utp". You'll find a lot of more options. Something like the ST121UTP would probably be the cheapest solution if you don't need audio.
  19. StarTech also makes single channel VGA extensions... Just got setup as an authorized reseller.
  20. bpzle

    FPS question on NV5000

    The 10-12 fps is per channel. Not total. 1.5 fps lol ya... that would be a joke.
  21. bpzle

    FPS question on NV5000

    actually 10-12 is pretty good. most "budget" cards and DVRs support maybe 7.5 fps at D1. 30 fps is not necessary for CCTV. Although a very common request from people not in the industry... CCTV is only to capture what happened and archive evidence, not to make pretty movies for TV. 30 fps is a HUGE waste of storage and resources for most applications.
  22. In a pinch, I've used a cheap Slingbox hooked to the spot out of a DVR that did not otherwise support mobile phones. It's a cheap and easy fix... Slingbox supports a huge variety of mobile phones, and that supported list is always growing. Ulike CCTV manufacturers were they pick the top 2-5 mobile platforms to support and that's what your stuck with. Only drawback is there is no remote "control" of what your viewing. Whatever the spot out is set to is what you see on the phone... Works pretty good on DVRs that support motion priority plus sequential on spot out though. Also, in regards to your original post... I've never seen from any standalone DVR or PC based DVR the ability playback archived video via a cell phone, only view live.
  23. bpzle

    help with hardware

    Indoor or outdoor? What's the lighting like? Does the lighting change with the time of day? What is the distance to target for the PTZ? WHAT will be the target? What is your purpose for the system? What are your expectations? What is your budget?
  24. bpzle

    FPS question on NV5000

    between 10-12 fps
  25. bpzle

    cheap POS for geovision

    I'm not familiar with that type of POS... but we use NCR all in one pc's for our POS's. Its a normal PC with a built in touchscreen. It runs on XP but the desktop is locked. They have VGA outputs that could be used to display a duplicate of whatever is on the built in LCD. Similar to hooking up an external monitor to a laptop. Maybe that's possible with their system?