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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. if you find one, just be sure that it doesn't have some sort of auto-off feature. and if it does, make sure you can bypass it.
  2. I know little about Geo but I have tested Qsee. I'd say this is just a sign from whatever you believe in to get better cameras. Qsee is trash.
  3. bpzle

    cheap POS for geovision

    what kind of POS is it? are you sure it's VGA? how many pins?
  4. true. visited the Caribbean last year... rum was cheaper than gas. maybe that's why the atmosphere is so relaxed... "too expensive to go somewhere, let's just drink."
  5. meh... just not as neat as a 2 way mirror....
  6. so why do you stay? all we hear is complaints... heat, slow business, expensive shipping and customs, crime... what IS good down there? lol
  7. sucks bud... I'd be seriously looking into building a mast and running a point to point wireless bridge. sell access to your neighbors... I bet you could have a hellulva ISP biz setup in no time. lol
  8. scorpion had some links to some 2way mirrors. looks like a regular mirror until the monitor turns on. can't remember who makes em. if the monitor is only showing the front door cam, it might be cool to add a PIR outside and attach that to a relay to only turn the monitor on when it detects motion at the front door...
  9. interesting... learn something everyday. How are those new EB1304 satas DVRs running? Pretty reliable? Putting one in my car/truck sounds like a neat project.... Is the GPS reciever something Aver makes? What's the part #?
  10. So I've never installed a permenent DVR to a car before... but I would be inclined to think that the DC voltage would be too inconsistent to use it directly. While installing other devices, I've found that the 4 different cars I've owned the DC voltage would fluxuate 25 percent or more even at the battery... I would be inclined to think an AC/DC inverter coupled with a AC line conditioner would be the ideal way to go. Is this not the case? Does the DVR come with some sort of DC to DC voltage regulator? While I know it would be more effecient, is it reliable? I've only seen AC to DC regulators...
  11. bpzle

    Night time license plate recognition

    What camera is that? Arecont? If you had to replace the camera used in the above picture, what would the cheapest camera/ lens combo that you'd consider? I'm assuming a box cam would be the way to go? Only MP IP cams I've had experience with thus far are Acti and I really don't think the DN Acti cameras I've used would be capable of that but then again... maybe with enough tweaking and right FOV who knows. I havn't used their box cams. Only DN cams I've used are the 1231 and the 3011.
  12. bpzle

    Camera and install advice

    I've had horrible experience with wireless. Do you guys have a wireless router? Where is it, close to the basement? If so... I've got a couple ideas. If not, I still have a couple ideas.
  13. bpzle

    Cat5e carry 4 cameras?

    what do you mean by standard? it's possible, yes. however it's not too often that I need to install 4 cameras near the same location.
  14. get one of those and then one of these: http://www.videcon.co.uk/product_details.php?StockID=435&l1=17&l2=19 oh my lanta!
  15. can't wait to see a 4g version of this.
  16. bpzle

    help with hardware

    Here's the cheapest system that I would recommend.... I've never worked with AMD anything but I'm pretty sure this DVR capture card would work in your PC. As long as you have a spare PCI slot. 1 of these: http://www.avermedia-usa.com/surveillance/productdetail.aspx?id=15 4 of these: http://cctvco.com/SpecSheets/SPECBC597_111907.pdf plus cabling and a 4 channel power supply. anything over 1A total will do. Retail all that should run about $550-$650.
  17. bpzle

    help with hardware

    What do you mean, a "good CCTV"? You won't find any decent packages of 4 cameras and a 4 channel recorder for that much if that's what your asking... What are you planning to record? What is the system for? Why do you think you want wireless? I guarantee ANY wireless product within your budget you will not be happy with.
  18. Not an Atom... but close.... I tested Nuuo's server/ client and a handful of other brands on this: http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/gateway-lt3103u/4505-3121_7-33721171.html CPU usage about 35% on recording/ live view on a 1.3 MP cam
  19. bpzle

    DVR + CAM recomendations

    That DVR is only Triplex operation. See here for the difference: post-54692.html Here's a Pentaplex that we've had good luck with. Has a few more features and works the the iPhone! http://www.cctvco.com/specsheets/SPECDVR_PLEX4_100908.pdf
  20. http://www.mat-co.com/pricing1.htm part # A-403-CD I believe is what your looking for.
  21. I'm from Texas but pay me enough and I'll fly in from anywhere.
  22. bpzle

    help with hardware

    man oh man... stay far away from Ebay for CCTV products. you will be very sorry
  23. bpzle

    System Design for Counseling Observation

    oh my bad, I missed that it was 2 seperate rooms. in that case, just double the order of what I already said. no stress... easy money. as long as he has easy access to their network... could be done in 2-3 hours. I wish all MY jobs were that simple. what are you suggesting the get off amazon and new egg?
  24. bpzle

    System Design for Counseling Observation

    What seems like a lot of work? Who said anything about 2 cameras? I thought it was just 1.