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Everything posted by bpzle

  1. oh wait, I forgot I don't own a crap security camera site... what am I doing? i guess i felt like this thread was missing a spammer... thought i'd beat em to it.
  2. Hello Sir, I see you interest in porfesional CCTV equipment. Is important select good. May I sugest hi qwalty line of DVR?
  3. bpzle

    Looking How to Build a Power Supply

    LOL, nerd! Don't you mean soldering?
  4. you figure this one out chief?
  5. Ever find a solution for what you needed?
  6. I hope you pick LCD... plasma will be burned in in no time for CCTV!
  7. Exactly what I was talking about! Didn't know it was rolling out yet... It seems like there was another runner up for new wireless data technology. Can't remember the name...
  8. I'm sure you've already gone down this road... but I'll ask any way in hopes of being the common sense fairy that pops you in the head. How far away are these new cameras from old hardwired ones? Could you piggy back the new cameras on the existing coax with something like this? http://www.foresight-cctv.com/VDS2500.pdf
  9. bpzle

    Plate read at 2km

    How long is this road your covering? Instead of getting too fancy and impracticable with lenses, why not mount closer to the FOV and just make a wireless IP mesh network? Check out these guys: http://www.ubnt.com/ Does Ubiquiti mesh networking? I though they where point to point and point to multi point. http://www.ubnt.com/wiki/index.php/Bullet_Nano_mesh
  10. Ah, you shouldnt tell people who is your supplier like that Rory! LOL Ali F... Baba.com hehe JD Scroll down and check out Mr. Bill Fang! HE looks like he could answer all of your CCTV questions! LOL!
  11. I've been searching for this too... Cricket http://www.mycricket.com/broadband/ has unlimited but coverage is patchy, at best. It's not available in all areas, including mine. I believe they also throttle your bandwidth WAY down after you use 5meg. For our type of work this is worthless. I'd fly through 5 meg in a couple hours! I have heard rumors that 3G will soon be outdated and the carriers are going to something new and faster. Maybe we'll see a come back of the unlimited plans? I sure hope so... I'm getting real tired of borrowing customers internet access....
  12. bpzle

    Looking How to Build a Power Supply

    I agree with scorpion. Power supplies are way cheaper to buy premade. Plus they come with a warranty.
  13. bpzle

    Looking How to Build a Power Supply

    How is that you can find parts to build a power supply but the sum of all the parts is impractical and too expensive? Where do you live???
  14. bpzle

    Plate read at 2km

    How long is this road your covering? Instead of getting too fancy and impracticable with lenses, why not mount closer to the FOV and just make a wireless IP mesh network? Check out these guys: http://www.ubnt.com/
  15. Weird, I've never heard it referred to as such. Well, anyway... to answer your question we need to know a lot more info. The information supplied is entirely too vague... -Most importantly, what remote client software do you intend to run? -How many monitors will you have and at what resolution will they display? For 64 cameras you'll probably need more than one! -What type of cameras will you be viewing? Analog, IP, IP megapixel, or a mix of all?
  16. I'm not familiar with the specific equipment your referring to, so I can't vouch for it. I've learned not to always trust spec sheets. Especially on re-branded equipment. It sounds like you've done research and found something that you think will meet your budget requirements. Good, but understand the return policies. Be ware of restocking fees for returned perfect condition equipment or "store credit only" returns. If you see this in the fine print, buy from someone else. That usually means the company knows their selling crap and they don't want it back. Save the receipts. If you don't like it, take it back. Go ahead and run all necessary wires. You'll need this in place, regardless of the cameras you finally decide on. I use on analog cameras (and so do most pros) RG59 Siamese paired with 18/2 for power. Hook everything up and play with it a few days. Dedicate some serious time into figuring out if this is the system for you. Don't just see if you like the static images after setup. Watch the recorded footage of you walking, even running around at BOTH day and night. Could you tell it was you if you didn't know it was? Is there any blur if you still frame the footage? What separates good CCTV from the bad is the ability to successfully identify people and cars, post event. If it can't do that, then what's the point?
  17. bpzle

    StoreSafe Pro II over router

    Check out www.CanYouSeeMe.org It's a great tool to determine if your ISP is blocking certain ports, and they often do. It's also a great tool for double checking your port forwarding and redirecting handy work while on site instead of having to wait until your off site. Hope this helps...
  18. bpzle

    42 Megapixel card Limitation

    Aver really needs to address both problems... Why they would make software to limit what your CPU is capable is beyond me... I could only undertand if it was to throttle down what their hardware is capable of but the capture card is irrelevant to recording IP cameras.
  19. Try selling your old one on Ebay for $10 cheaper than what their still selling it for! Someone will buy it! LOL!
  20. "You get what you pay for" I doubt it. How many channels? Just 4? You may be better off just purchasing an off the shelf DVR card like Geovision or Avermedia than trying to make that junk work. Be careful buying off Ebay. There's a lot of fraudulant look alikes...
  21. What's an EMS? In my world it's an energy managment system... but I don't think that's what your referring to.
  22. Did I read those specs right on that 2400? http://www.axis.com/files/datasheet/2400/2400ds_eu.pdf CIF x4 channels at 5fps max? Or D1 x1 at 10 fps max? I can't imagine a real world application for that... No wonder it's been discontinued. Also if your interested in displaying more than one camera on your TVs, then you'll need to get a switcher or a quad. An added expense to make this thing work... I'd chunk that thing and go with AverMedia. Fairly cheap and they do a good job at coming out with revisions and update patches for free. Including continued IP camera compatibility. You can add additional NV5000 cards, up to 4 total I believe. But if you have the cash for it, I'd recommend getting at least 8 channels (NV6420e) for a residential house. That's assuming you'll be using exterior only cameras... You'll have a lot of dead spots with only 4 cameras. If you plan on using wide angle analog cameras on each side of the house, be prepared to be disappointed the first time something happens... What type of home automation are you considering? Lighting, energy and access control? If you plan on doing some sort of media server... I'd recommend using 2 separate PCs. One for security, another for your media.
  23. bpzle

    System For Catching Internal Theft

    I hate to break it to ya... but I'm afraid there will never be an end to your delima. Once you get rid of your current theives, you will aquire new ones. In a world driven by money and greed there will always be thieves. Hence the professional CCTV industry... Do yourself a favor and invest in a good quality, permenant solution. Don't waste your time and money on cheap Ebay all in one kits. Your problem isn't a temporay one and it isn't going to go away with firing the people you catch today. It can only be limited and controlled with the proper equipment... What do you think?
  24. bpzle

    System For Catching Internal Theft

    As a fellow business owner, I know time IS money. If you don't have an internet connection, I would highly suggest you invest in one for this project. To me saving yourself a couple 12 hour round trips is worth $40/ month. Gas alone would cost more. You can always cancel after you catch the bad apples... Another advantage of getting internet is you don't have to wait a few weeks to check in and do video research. If their stealing, their probably doing it everyday. Every day that goes by your loosing more and more inventory... Don't wait for them to steal 3-4 weeks of stuff. The Mobtix camera is a good choice. I havn't personally gotten to play with their stuff, but I have heard the setup isn't exactly user friendly, especially for an end user that may not be familiar with common terminology. I'd save yourself time and pay someone to put it in. PM me the area your in, I might can recomend someone for you.
  25. bpzle

    Need a Camcorder

    It's been a while since I've been in the camcorder market... but we have a youngin on the way and I need to make up my mind. I've done a little research, read lots of reviews. I'm looking at the Sony HDR-XR500V. http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?partNumber=HDRXR500V&catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1 Even though this is a CCTV forum, I figured I'd get some good input from some fellow techies. What do you guys think? $1,100 is a big investment for me. Anything else you'd recommend? [/url]