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  1. ricochet

    louroe audio hookup

    thanks i now have it working on the bench and the verifact a is very sensitive to sound. the if-1 has a gain adjustment which i have turned down. all sounds are in an echo form though. if you hookup without the gain control how do you control the sensitivity, has that been an issue rick
  2. greetings everyone please help with audio hookup, have ge dvrme16 triplex w/audio. it has a pcb accessory which attaches to aux port (db-9) on back of unit. also have a louroe ask-4 kit #300. do i use the if-1 interface adapter which has 3 choices of audio out jacks rca/mono/and stereo. these do not attach to the db-9 accessory which allow for hard wire connections. do i cut the mono jack strip back the wires, then which wire goes where. pin 1 not used pin 2 audio out pin 3 ground pin 4 audio in pin 5 ground pins 6,7,8,9 not used gnd ground i'm sure i am forgeting something here thanks rick
  3. ricochet

    my new ge triplex 16

    i believe ups does not requlate voltage. here if a phase drops out,(power company) voltage drops from 240 to about 140 volts each leg being 70 volts to grnd. lights dim and all the motors will burn up if left for an extended period. rick
  4. ricochet

    my new ge triplex 16

    will get voltage regulator today, chicago power has been good but anything can happen
  5. ricochet

    my new ge triplex 16

    hard drive crashed last week ( about 30 days old),still have videobut won't hold any settings and the hard drive is listing only half of what it should be. took 10 day to get rma info and am still waiting for new unit to arrive. looks like they sent me a refurbished unit, i am missing screws on sides and there were no rack mounts. clearly there were screws there at one time. i see bosch has units listed to 480 pps do these unit work differently maybe more processors. rick
  6. ricochet

    my new ge triplex 16

    did not know about the # of processors, do the dvr's with 120pps or 240pps use more processors. i have learned a lot from this forum that's why i am sharing my experences in hope to help someone else. sometimes fresh eyes see things from a different prospective. yes rory i took the plexi into account which was one reason i went with the 1/2" cameras. there was some disscusson on the amount of light difference between a 1/2" and 1/3".was just trying to get the max out of the cameras in a dark enviroment rick
  7. ricochet

    my new ge triplex 16

    dvmre triplex thanks to rory i have 12 cameras working all are set equally at 4pps and i am still playing with all the features.did csg mean 2.75 that another 10% on the now 48pps off on another matter all cameras are behind grey tinted plexi glass i think in the 20% range. the best results are if you put the lenses against the glass.i have a couple that are inches away and you can see a small difference in clarity. if i increase the pps on one camera i know it will smooth out the picture but does it also increase the pixels available to enhance the image. remote veiwing is a bit choppy and any adjustments really bring out the disorganized pixels. rick
  8. happy days thanks to this forum, and i see my thread (movin on to dvr) is still useful. just want to give an update on my first dvr experience. i have an embedded dvr behind a linksys router with a pc attached. aplication is a tavern. purchased 12 1/2 b/w cameras sanyo vcb-3524 using 4 existing panasonic 1/3 bp314. cameras work well in low light when i'm open but have to install a nite lite system for the 4 hour period after i close. the 1/2" cameras work as well as the old (15yrs) 1/3" as i don't notice any difference in the quality of the picture. not dissappointed but they were double the price w/lens. lenses are all vari focal auto iris and am happy with them computar. now the dvr has one major draw back that must be a secret kept till after you buy it. that is if there are more than two cameras maximum record rate is 48pps not 60pps. so 1 camera 30pps, 2 cameras 30pps each = 60 after that, 60 drops to 48 that i believe is a 20% loss (were did it go). contacted vendor i purchased from and they referred me to ge. ge tech support won't deal with you unless you are a licensed electrician(thankfully i am). the dvr is simple to use but i did have some router issues with port forwarding (needed 80 and 1024) but once that was established and a domain name set up i am good to go. more questions still to come thanks rick
  9. ricochet

    ATM camera with a catch ...

    this was on an old csi episode maybe a couple years back
  10. ricochet

    moving on to dvr

    i see everyone concurs have enjoyed this and will be back i'm sure once i have this up and running thanks rick
  11. ricochet

    moving on to dvr

    somehow i've become more confused, now which dvr is safe and easy to use the ge dvrme ct is the one i think everyone can accept??? please i would like to here any objections or even other choices to this choice before i make a decision sometime this week. we have gone in so many directions but i think you all have given me a much better idea of what i should do, clearlyyyy i would not have be able to do this without your knowledge and experience. thanks rick
  12. ricochet

    moving on to dvr

    how do i couple a 1/2" cam w/15bit and then provide a bigger data path??? 8' distance range w/1/2"cam @3mm=11'v & 15' h if i am reading my chart correctly i think gives me good coverage some will be further from subject so was thinking 2.8 to 9 range on AI lens range. rick
  13. ricochet

    moving on to dvr

    levon my application is a tavern in chicago north side am looking to apply each camera no more the 8' from a subject. i would like to see transactions from several angles and close up. i notice if you go over the 8' mark the transaction becomes questionable. currently i have 4 cameras and all are spread out to cover about 1000' sqft. min 15 days of recording with 16 channels i would like to dedicate 9 cameras to the bar area and will be expanding my place next year another 800 sqft cd dvd not important just comes with the pro model i was looking at &120ips os based on embeded have no clue?????? which to choose cables connectors monitor will also need to install internet access a must have dsl line already (sbc) $$$ <6999.00 actually do not want to be disappointed at any price.quality a must since i will be the one looking at it. thanks rick
  14. ricochet

    moving on to dvr

    what application would you use a 1" camera rick
  15. ricochet

    moving on to dvr

    thanks for all the help rick