Hi All... I wanted to introduce myself and apologize right off the bat for my ignorance. I am just learning about CCTV equipment and may ask some stupid questions. I am smart enough to realize just how ignorant I am.. so hopefully I won't make too big of a fool of myself, but if I do- forgive me, I am trying to learn.
I am here to learn because I am trying to help my aunt set up an inexpensive yet reliable CCTV system in her horse barn. She would like to be able to see and hear what is going on when a mare is soon to foal, keep an eye on a new foal or watch a sick horse from her home.
Internet access is also something she would like to be able to use- so her kids in college can watch the births, see the new babies or peek in on their fav horses.
Network or DVR security is not a big concern- she is not worried about anyone hacking in to look at the horses. Actually she would prefer it was easier to get in...
Anyways- that's my story- looking forward to learning from you all!