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  1. okay thanks for the replies. Guess it is working as expected. Maybe it just looked better on the last install because the PC monitor sucked. So it actually looked clear. These new LCD panels are so defined that I was expecting more than I got. Sounds like Megapixel cameras are the answer, in which I'd have to pull all new line and I don't think that is going to happen...but you never know. I will let the customer know. I think the Geovision card I have is capable of watching IP cameras so that would be really easy to add to the system now. All 8 of the analog ports are in use so no more RG-59 cameras can go in.
  2. http://pwv.nti-llc.net/cameras/
  3. Okay I have some pictures for you all to look at now...but this site wont let me post links... so here is the old school way, pwv (dot) nti-llc (dot) net/cameras/ The pics labeled blurry were before I fully focused the cameras, and obviously focused means what I said. but the quality is just not what I was expecting. They were hoping to be able to make out faces and unless you were right there close to the camera no such luck. I have video too, but I can't find the Geovision playback codec yet. I am still looking.
  4. post 5 for link ability...
  5. No sorry not right now, the building is completely standalone with no internet going in so I can't remote in right now. Plus it is 1 1/2 hour drive from where I live.
  6. Hi all, I have some questions on my latest install that I have done. It is the largest so far (the previous were pretty low key too) and the owner was hoping for a little higher resolution than what we got. And quite frankly I was expecting a bit more too. I will list off what I have installed. GeovisionGV6008 2MCCTV2MGN605 2MCCTV2M0660A BTronAC1621 8 total cameras, with 6-60mm lenses, 3 outside, 5 inside. I have one camera in question for sure on video quality, it is covering an outside lot about 50 feet away, the lens on the camera it fully capable of seeing what the owner wants to see, but the resolution is suffering, seems a little under quality for what the camera/lens is rated for. Also in the night time the lot is lit up and he says you can't really make out what car/truck is driving around. Also inside the building the quality just doesn't seem as high as it should for a 480 line camera. I am wondering if the DVR card is the choke point on the quality. Any tips or thoughts on the install in question here. Anything is appreciated as I am wanting to make this work right for what the customer wants. Thanks!!
  7. nocoloATV

    Hello from Colorado

    Hello from Colorado, been around CCTV for a while, but recently getting asked to install more systems so I have some questions I'll post later. Been in the low voltage industry since 2005, looking forward to a good forum here! Justin