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Everything posted by msecure

  1. msecure

    CQOne DVR

    Sent you a PM for the link too, Scott. Thanks in advance.
  2. msecure

    CQOne DVR

    The last version that I try was 2.4.3. Is the current version any good?
  3. msecure

    Boxes not turning red

    Thought I was the only one with this problem!
  4. msecure

    Kodicom & WebDVR

    Disconnect from the Internet & disable all the anti-virus/firewall software & try again on LAN.
  5. msecure

    17" lcd with bnc input

    Check with Foresight for the model AD001H. It's the high resolution model.
  6. msecure

    Kodicom & WebDVR

    If you are running 4.11 then the Apache server should already be up & running. You can look it up under the services directory in windows computer management. If you have more then 1 pc on this Local DVR network, try keying in the DVR IP on IE to see if it works. Please remember to forward port 80 as well.
  7. Care to list out the PC base DVR cards with the above function? 1. I think Geovision have it. 2. Kodicom can record but not with motion detection & FIFO (First In, First Out) Any more?
  8. Distance is no issue as long as you use a booster/amplifier but like Rory said even at 3 feet which is the standard length given by the Video Card manufacturer, the picture is nothing to shout about! If you need real good quality then you'll need a professional VGA to Composite device.
  9. Get a Video Card with Dual Monitor & also RCA Video out for the TV output. Just use a video booster/amplifier/splitter for the RCA to output to two TV. http://www.pcdomino.com/Computers/graphics/fotos/19827/powercolorradeon9200frente_car.jpg Just use a DVI to VGA converter if you cannot find the Dual VGA card.
  10. msecure

    Newbie: CCTV via USB

    You can try this Taiwanese company http://www.ame-group.com/ Have bought a sample a couple of years back & if i remember correctly I can get decent quality for 4 cameras @100FPS using a notebook.
  11. That's a motorized zoom lens. There's 3 types normaly ie. 3 motor type, auto iris type & preset type. If you have 6 wires most prbably it's the 3 motor type. If it is then the configuration should be as below:- Red=Iris Open White=Iris Close Green=Zoom Wide Yellow=Zoom Tele Black=Focus Near Grey/Brown=Focus Far
  12. msecure

    Object Tracking using Geovision

    Any idea which PTZ or Speed Dome is compatible with the object tracking function in Geovision? Has anyone try this function?
  13. msecure

    Object Tracking using Geovision

    Actually was hoping that some cheaper PTZ/Speed Dome will work other than those mentioned above!
  14. msecure


    Over 50 channels? How about some names & your experience in using them?
  15. msecure


    Care to share with us who else deals with something like Trango?
  16. msecure


    What quality are you expecting in term of resolutions for the wireless IP cameras & what distance are they covering?
  17. msecure

    Color Camera DVR Adjustments

    Does Geovision version 7.0 have this function? If not what other DVR have?
  18. msecure

    Need a help for system design !!!

    The lowest cost solution would be using a Hybrid DVR. Use 4 IP Camera in Factory B & transmit to the main using a wireless client.
  19. msecure


    Is that a Diginet, COM4?
  20. Thanks Rory. Will try out TZO first.
  21. msecure

    Gas Station Install

    How about the PC based I-View? Any one have experience using POS with it?
  22. Any idea which router support no-ip? Dyndns is block when customer is in China & they cannot view thier remote site unless they ping their IP & key it in.
  23. msecure

    RS-422 / RS-485 Controller or Receiver

    Not really a box of tricks! The item I bought came with documentation & I just follows. I can scan it to pdf & email it to you guys if you need it. But I cannot promise it'll work with what you have. Well, I'll try to give a short explanation anyway:- PC Side T+, T- goes to decoder board PTZ & Zoom Lens>Goes into the decoder board (All connections are label), choose the correct settings via the dip switches & that's it!
  24. msecure

    RS-422 / RS-485 Controller or Receiver

    Not really true! If you have problem with your decoder & the RS232-485 I can give you a hand there. The info that came with what I bought is quite detail! They even mentioned the type of DVR's supported & the right settings for various protocols. Give me a pm kaysadeya if you cannot find what you need & I'll email you my supplier's contact.
  25. msecure

    Moving away from pc based

    Thanks. Will PM you 1 or 2 sites to try.