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  1. because of this i got confused and made a new topic viewtopic.php?f=19&t=31164 hope you check it out and clear things up for me. Thanks
  2. so the NVR has the ability to downsample (or upsample if IPC outputs low res) video data that it receives from the camera? also, can the camera stream @ h.264 while the NVR records it @ mpeg-2?
  3. I am confused on who sets the recording rate? The IP Camera or the NVR? I thought the camera specifies what resolution and rate it streams to whoever wants the data and then the NVR just records whatever the camera streamed. So, why do I see recording res and rate specified on NVR's? I see NVR's that specifies "400 ips @ 4CIF" (Samsung SRN-3250). I thought only DVR's do this because NVR's just record whatever the res/rate the camera streams. I also see this on a QNAP NVR "Recording Performance - Up to 30 fps at D1 or VGA for each channel" Am I misinterpreting something? Does this mean that it sets a limit so as not to overtax the bandwidth/processor of the NVR?
  4. I see, so i guess youll need some special software or NVR to be able to interpret whatever it is the camera is sending aside from the video. thanks all for your replies. I am more enlightened now regarding this matter.
  5. ok, let us say, motion detection. what does it do with the motion it detected?
  6. sexydadee

    Storage for Live Viewing for IP System

  7. sexydadee

    Storage for Live Viewing for IP System

    no more feedback? I would really like to know if it is "overkill" to be "cacheing" live video or is it a justified security/reliability benefit? we are talking about 300+ cameras here. Why should your operator client get live video from a server when you can get it directly from the source/camera than is multistreaming?
  8. I am wondering how intelligence at the edge works. If the camera is doing all the processing, where does it keep the intelligence gathered? does it send it along with the video signal as a seperate type of data or hardcoded with the video? How does the "other end" (ie nvr, client operator) interpret the intelligence? is there a standard or only the "other end" of the same manufacturer of the camera should be used? does the nvr recognize that it is receiving video+intelligence? I'm confused. Appreciate any feedbacks.
  9. sexydadee

    Storage for Live Viewing for IP System

    It might just be 2TB but it costs 7000+$! Well, its a 15K DP 6G SAS drive after all, but still. I think its unnecessary.... Or am I wrong? Do I really need a "cache" storage for Live Viewing or can I forego this "security/reliability"? Which now brings me to another dilemma. Milestone Software. Is it possible that the "cache" live view drives are a requirement for the Milestone Software? Because the client specified Milestone as the software but I dont have any experience with this. Again, thanks in advance for any feedback.
  10. So I just got a quote from an AXIS supplier and they quoted for us 2 types of drive arrays. One for recording and another for Live viewing, about 2000+ GB. Is this really necessary? I thought Live viewing are real time and come directly from one of the streams of the camera? Thanks in advance for your feedbacks.
  11. I plan on using Panasonic cameras, but their NVRs are a guzzler for Capacity, so I was thinking of getting 3rd party NVR like luxriot or nuuo. So i guess i will get whichever calculates the lowest disk space. Thanks for your input guys.
  12. I am currently trying to calculate needed Hardrive capacity for 288 nos. 4cif cameras for 180 days 24/7 recording @ 25fps. I went to axis design tools and got about 280+ TBytes but when I tried using calculators for other brands like Panasonic (ND400) and Luxriot, they churn out a whopping 1000+ TBytes worth of HD capacity. Does this mean Axis cameras have better compression? I thought they are usually universal due to ONVIF compliance. Can somebody explain to me how Axis Design Tools or cameras is giving a very substantially low TBytes Capacity? Even with Raid5, I dont think the difference is that big. I also tried JVSG's IP Video System Design Tool and it gives me 450+ TB. Now I am even more confused. Please help. Thanks
  13. sexydadee

    Video Matrix Switcher vs IP Switch

    is 200ms+ latency a big deal? we're trying to install 500+ analog cameras and all the dvrs have an IP port. Why not just use the IP port for virtual matrix switching instead of hardware video matrix? we have 42 bosch analog dvrs, and we plan to divide them into 3 gigabit switches to avoid bottlenecks and these 3 switches will also be interconnected to another switch which is connected to a main workstation for critical areas viewing. this setup will also allow the other workstations to be able to view the other dvrs located at a different switch. now if 200ms+ is a big deal, then I guess I will have no choice but to go for hardware matrix switches.
  14. Why would I want to use a Video Matrix Switcher instead of an IP Switch to do the matrix switching? Clearly you can save alot of money by using an IP switch. Can somebody please tell me of any advantage of using a Video Matrix Switcher that can justify its price. Thank you
  15. sexydadee

    ir illuminators on d/n cameras?

    thanks for the reply. I thought d/n cameras require special filter to "see" the IR illuminated objects.