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Everything posted by securelpb

  1. So I just got a brand new AVTech AVC-761ASV and I have seeing some very strange issues with it. The strangest by far is that the date is stuck between Feb 28 2028 2:26:25 AM and Feb 28 2028 2:26:59 AM. Nothing I do can change this. The normal onscreen method will blink when I try to update the date fields, but it will not change them. Using the web interface under config I can set the date to be correct and it will actually stay that way for about 10-15 seconds but then it switches back to Feb 28 2028 2:26:25 AM. Another problem I am having is that I can not get the VGA port on the back to work. On my system it is labeled VGA (not D/V like some other models), so I expect it to work with a VGA monitor but I can't get a signal. Has anyone seen this type of problem before? I'm wondering if it is physically messed up.