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  1. Kriistoffer

    Video File .787 ??

    Thx scorpion, so you mean that i must install video viewer and eventually Video server E on the DVR and then save and export to my ordinary computer? Dosn´t it excist like just a viewer i can install in my ordinary computer and then be able to look att the .787 file?? Because i dont have the DVR avaible at the moment i only have my saved recordings Regards
  2. Kriistoffer

    Video File .787 ??

    Hello everybody a small problem and really should need some help.. I have ha NVR named "CPD505 8ch MPEG-4 NETWORK DVR" My problem is that i save a video recording to a memory stick directly from the dvr, then i put the memory stick in to my computer and want to wath the video recording in Windows XP but cant find any player that are able to play the file from the recording "CH01_000.787".. Should be thankful if anyone knows what software or player i need in windows to be able to look att my recording PLZ write (saw a earlier thread but didn´t managed to solve the problem) Best Regards Kristoffer Stockholm Sweden