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  1. Thanks for the answer. That is amazing that things like that get people in trouble. I have no problem with no audio. My main concern was if there were cameras in my car for accident purposes -- the legality on that. In my research it seems in most states to be legal, I just wasn't sure if there was a more comprehensive guide somewhere.
  2. wully

    DVR in car?

    Scorpion, Covert video only at moment, mobile application, DVR, will later be remotely stored. The ability to add audio later on would be nice but not required for what I'm looking for. Thanks, Wully
  3. wully

    DVR in car?

    Scorpion, I would appreciate that information as well (I've been in similar situations). I would PM you but it doesn't seem the system will allow me yet.
  4. Has anyone ever seen or heard proof of anyone actually getting in trouble for recording with only good intentions? I.E. to protect yourself or your property. Where I'm originally from (Illinois) has pretty stringent recording and video laws, yet I've heard conflicting accounts from lawyers.
  5. wully

    Hi from Midwest (USA)

    Hello, Haven't had a chance lately to use CCTV but am getting back into it. Would like to see some in my car and in my house shortly. W