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Everything posted by Tinman55

  1. Tinman55

    ACTi ACM-1231 Review

    I thought you were suppose to stick with the topic.....instead of going all over the place. Isn't talking about a camera's performance a discussion ? I can't believe you are a moderator
  2. Tinman55

    ACTi ACM-1231 Review

    I was really interested in finding more information about this camera and a BIG thank you to Buellwinkle for his time and evaluation. BUT, DO I have to go through all these crap posts about who knows what or who even cares ?? It seems to me there is a lot of this going on in this forum. Can't you leave out all the BS and just stick to the camera info.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion....so then you want to have the dome sealed where the cables enter through the siding into my house then ? There is a rubber gasket where the arm meets the house and that is tight....but I don't have the cables sealed ( which all pass through some flex tubing)....I will seal the tube end and use some silica gel as you suggested.
  4. Hi, I was wondering, when you install a heated dome enclosure on your house....is the dome suppose to be completely sealed airtight from the inside of house ? On my install.....the power & lan cables pass from the dome through the mounting arm and then on through the wall into the house. So actually there can be some transfer of air between. This paticular dome has a heater & fan....and had no problem with any condensation through the winter.....but here lately I am experiencing just a light fog on one side of the dome (inside) just during the last hour of the day....when the sun really hits the dome. We are tallking temps around 70 degrees at this time and cool to the 40's at night. After a few hours of dusk....the fog disappears. I am wondering if I am getting some humidity from inside house through the wiring holes that may be the culprit ?? The outdoor humidity has been high here lately due to cool rainy weather. I have a temperature sensor bulb in the dome and have been observing.....when the sun heats the dome....the inside temp lately has been higher than outside temp. The heater in this dome only runs when temp is 50 degrees or lower....so I really just have the fans running continuious. Our relative humidity levels have been on the high side this spring due to chilly rainy weather. I am not sure if there is a solution....which is why my question on if the dome is to be sealed completey from my indoor enviroment.
  5. I just wanted to post a follow up on this topic. I found a handy little app called "Callurl" you can easily find it by google this "CALLURL CAMIT" that will take you to the Blueiris forum where you can dl it. Once I had this I was easily able to move the camera to a specific preset by using a batch file and having my X10 AHP software execute it.
  6. I am trying to use a CGI command for this camera: /nphControlCamera?Direction=Preset&PresetOperation=Move&Data=1 I want to tell the camera to go to a certain preset at a certain time by having my X10 AHP software issue a windows command. This can be a .bat file or .exe. One snag is that I can't run this CGI without the camera wanting me to log in. Does anyone have any ideas or experience with something like this....thanks for your time !