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  1. jaafe

    Pelco PEF format to mpeg

    It works! Thank You
  2. Hi. I have old pelco pef files and, of course, I can play them only using Pelco player. Does anybody know how to convert pef files in mpegX format? Thank You very much
  3. jaafe

    remote DC iris controll

    Hi zmxtech and thank yuo for your fast replay. Sincerely I used a linear pot! Anyway do you think this scheme should be successfully? Maybe I should try to use a different set of resistors? Thank you again
  4. Hi. For industrial application I need to remotely controll a DC iris lens. I tried to do that using the electronic circuit attached, and connecting the drain and control to V1 and V2 terminal, but the result was not acceptable at all, becouse I was not able to have a perfect control of iris, ie it opens and closes too fast. Does anybody have any suggestion for my poupose? I dont need to take control signal from camera, but i want to control it by myself using an ecectronic circuit. Thank you very much for your help Antonio