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Everything posted by cajun_biker

  1. cajun_biker

    nv5000 card slows to a crawl with dongle attached

    Nope, I never did figure it out. I had a 4.2 ghz dual core laying around, I put them in it, and now I have a dedicated dvr ........ I say dedicated, because if I try to use the computer while the nvr program is runing it also will lock up. However, I am running 7 cameras now
  2. I searched and couldn't find any reference here. But I have a computer that has a nv500 card in it with 4 video inputs being used on it. when I add the card (dongle) that gives me 4 more inputs the computer slows so much the mouse doesnt even move. The only way to shut down is to hard shutdown (hold down the power on button). if you take the card off the dvr works just fine. This computer has 1.5 gig ram, and is a 2.1 ghz machine with a nvidea card. it should work any suggestions????
  3. cajun_biker

    nv5000 card slows to a crawl with dongle attached

    I have tried the other ones, and they dont have the slow down, but they also dont show the new camera inputs avalible. I have even returned the cards and swapped them out for new ones. even at one point removed all other cards on the machine, and unplugged a few hard drives thinking it was a power problem, I just cant imagine it slowing down the system that much.