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  1. Hi! I'm trying to use multicast mpeg4 streaming on Panasonic BL-C101a camera. If I set it to multicast - it still shows not as a Multicast session. It looks like my router does support multicast (Linksys WRT54G2) and Filter Multicast is unchecked. I guess something is wrong with the camera settings, or I just cant really understand how it works. There is a multicast address setting in the camera and a port number for mpeg4 video and another one for audio. I do not need an audio, but video is a must! lol Any advise on this one? Thanks a lot!
  2. thewireguys: Mobotix is too expensive for me now. Maybe later, but now I probably need to look at NAS devices - if any of them can catch those cameras streams from network. long520: how many serves? - ??? times to record... hm - i would like just to record a stream to the NAS and just delete the oldest records - usual way. I know that even Panasonic is offering free DDNS service, but I would like to use my own one - or at least with my own domain. Twilo123: I know that, but I guess some of the latest NAS devices offering some kind of software to catch those streams from network - then I do not need a PC for that. I want to eliminate PC from that system at all. I do not mind paying for service at all - I just need to be sure that it is reliable and I can get what I need (usage with my own domain name and allowance to create bunch of 3rd lvl domains)[/b]
  3. Hi, Gratz to everybody with the new server! Several questions - as usuall. - Have anybody tried any IP cameras (Panasonic BL-C101 in particular) with NAS devices (Buffalo for example)? If I do not want to keep PC on - all the time - can I store video from those cameras on NAS? Is it worth it? -I am looking at the company's - offering dynamic DNS hosting. Found few so far - http://www.easydns.com/ (somebody here told me about this one) and http://www.dyndns.com/ Does anybody has any experience with those or any other ones? Main concern is using that service with different locations on my own domain (ex: loc1.host.com etc) It will be great if I create many 3rd lvl domains with that (>50) -Does anybody has any experience with company's offering video streaming solutions (in case if some location has bad network connection and video stream will be really laggy if several (>10) users will be accessing it at the same time)??
  4. Any chance if you know any video streaming services online?
  5. Because I am going to use them on different user locations - thats why I need to separate those. How many sub domains you currently using?? I have asked dyndns - if I can increase that 75 number on one domain - they said no. I do not know why not. I live in US. Colorado state. Hm, I guess I need to look a little bit more into streaming servers. Because it might be well worth just to rent a rack space and build one. And just use it with all locations. Plus I can use it just to host own stuff.
  6. thats what they have: www dyndns com services dns custom just put two dots and 3 slashes. this rules about posting links - sucks... i guess i can use it on my own domain - like you have - something like username maysky com how many users you can have there on one domain? they allow only 75 ( but i guess i always can register maysky1 com..... i wish we have something like that here in us - to build custom PC's... I think that i will be streaming up to 6-8 cameras (tops) to the 20 users at the same moment (tops) for each channel
  7. Soundy, Those guys from - easydns Hm, thats what exactly I need... strange. how much they are charging you for that? dyndns - 26$/year - cheeeeap! 512 and 2 gigs chip prices are pretty different but I will make sure that cooling will be proper. So I really do need to be worried about H.256 with VGA camera? hahaha!!! was writing this and seen that pic, that you posted! and i was just going to ask ak357 - where he got that number from!!! lol I cant post pictures here yet, but if you will put that number in the speedtest link - you will be able to see that pic.
  8. Honestly I was surprised with that speed too. But I guess I'm lucky in this case Just talked to those guys - they are saying that I will get into interference with several sub domains. So I need to look into something else. Im going to try to talk to somebody from dyndns dot com - to see if they can do that. I can get a reliable components - that not an issue. You are saying that that system will require good cooling? Thats a good recommendation. But I guess - as you said - most of stuff going on the camera side - so I do not need good graphics card and super fast processor in the system? And even 512mb of ram should work well (or should I go with 1gb or more)? ps.what cameras are you using? pps.just realized that those cameras using MJPEG - should I look for something different - that is using h.264???
  9. i cant post the pic because i have been here not enough time, but you can view it - my result number is 506307463 I am pretty familiar with Upload and Download definitions - I have a web design company I know that i can get a static IP, but from other side I can use DDNS 3rd party service to provide addresses like username dot mywebsite dot com - and it will look nicely other then just IP address. Why I'm asking about minimum configuration, because I'm trying to minimize the cost - so I'm looking into barebone an custom build systems. Most likely I'm capable of writing a new interface (I guess its java or something similar) - but maybe somebody already tried it - and i just want to do some research before I will do anything - so I really appreciate your guys answers here. Ps.If somebody have any experience with those Panasonic cameras - let me know! Thanks!
  10. Ok. Just tested my home speed. Im on residential Comcast service and I have 6-9 mbps upload in average. I just called qwest and they claimed that they have upload speeds from 256 kbps up to 1.5 mbps. Comcast looks quite a bit faster. I do not think that those guys are charging extra for bandwidth. And what streaming host you can suggest and how it actually works?? Can I set up my own streaming host? Plus I guess I have the same question about DDNS (if I can host/setup my own DDNS server), because most of IP's are dynamic now I guess? So, if i do not have a DVR feature (video stored) - what would be the lowest configuration for a PC - Ram and processor speed? I also have another question. I got a recommendation about Panasonic IP cameras (vs Trendnet cameras) - such as BLC1A (wired) and BL-C20A (wireless). Do you have any experience with those? Another question - if it is possible to replace software preloaded on the camera (or maybe just change an interface and stuff like that)? Thanks a lot for your time!
  11. Thanks for your answer! Yep, just remote viewing. We are talking about VGA cameras. Hm, so basically if one camera gives me 60 kbps upstream - it will be 600 upstream for 10 users - even if they are watching the same camera? Or you are talking about summary between all 5-7? So - any suggestions?
  12. Hi! I'm pretty new to CCTV systems, so I have several questions. I'm thinking of using Webcamxp software with about 5-8 cameras. The main goal for the project - to view all of them online. Just video. No sound. Most likely I will be using comcast of quest connection. -what minimum pc configuration i need to purchase? -what compression I need to use to get best quality with minimum traffic? -any suggestions on cheap/decent quality ip cameras (wired and wireless, for indoor mostly, outdoor and night vision will be great just as an option, and by cheap - i mean something not more then 100-150$). I was thinking to purchase some cheapest ones from Newegg (like Trendnet) -and if maybe has been used Webcamxp - can you tell me if its worth it? I was going to use a PRO version. Thanks a lot!