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Everything posted by The RAM

  1. I have just purchased a 16ch Sony Day/Night camera system from China complete with 599GB drive. It is working very well and I am pleased with it during the day. However, at night the 4 cameras connected using 30 metre+ cables will not work in the dark. They are powered by 12V 5A adaptors with spliters to the various cameras. All the other cameras on less than 30m cables work fine in day and night and produce very good images. I have tried swapping the cameras to ensure it is not faulty cameras and they all work fine on shorter cables. I have contacted the supplier and they have been very helpful and are sending 4 new 30m cables free of charge in case the originals are faulty. Has anyone else had similar problems? Would it make a difference to use 12V 6A adaptors?
  2. Yes, I moved the power supply nearer to the cameras and it works a treat. However, I am quite put out that the supplier did not make it clear that cameras attached to the 4 supplied 30 metre cables or greater do not work at night. I believe this is mis-selling. The system was not cheap and I've got to say works very well in every other respect but I should have been informed. How can I ensure the message gets to others who may be considering purchasing a CCTV system of this type? I have informed the supplier and they have been quite helpful but it would seem they were unaware that it does not work with the supplied cables! It has not stopped them continuing to sell the system with 30 metre cables! All 16 cameras now working perfectly. Thanks for all the advice to everyone.
  3. Hi Squiffy, I was wondering if I locate the power supply closer to the camera and do not use the combined cable then would this avoid the problem. What do you think?
  4. Hi Squiffy, I'm having a problem sourcing a 12V 8A (Continuous) adaptor less than £100. Do you know of anything cheaper?
  5. Hi Squiffy, Thanks for that I will check the voltage out and try to get hold of an 8A adaptor. I'll let you know.