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Everything posted by funone

  1. Hi, I have 2 analog cctv cameras that I would need to install in my garage. As it happens I already have an subterranean ethernet cable going to the garage. The dvr would be in my house (30 meters away). How would I get the 2 cctv analog cameras connected to the dvr over the single ethernet cable) The ethernet cable is used for obtaining temperature and humidity in my garage and will be at least be used for this in the future too. What I was planning was to increase the available ethernet ports through a simple switch. Then use some 4-1 videoserver to get the camera signals to my house by the existing ethernet cable. Can this be done?
  2. Hi, is this possible? I have one network cable going in the ground to the garage (as I need Internet connection in the garage). Now I would need 2 cctv cameras in the garage hooked to a DVR at my home. Is there some way getting the signal from these 2 CCTV cameras to the dvr through the existing ethernet cable? Without interrupting the Internet signal? Any advice would be highly appreciated.
  3. Ok, thanks a lot for your advice. Greetings from Scandinavia.
  4. I was just writing a question about that, I need to get some DVR that understands IP. Or is there som gimmick to get back to analog from IP?
  5. Analoc Cameras. That's the problem (?). I was thinking of 2 video balun's through a switch and then in the other end switch and baluns but I hear this wouldn't work.
  6. I get the electricity from the garage so only the signal is to be transferred over the one ethernet cable. No luck with a 4 Channel Passive Video Balun Transceiver like: http://www.amazon.com/Gino-Channel-Passive-Video-Transceiver/dp/B001WANGQM ?
  7. But with some kind of video server? Not possible then either? Something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/KONIG-TWISTED-PAIR-TRANSMISSION-SYSTEM-SEC-UTS11-/170908584644
  8. Sorry, mu native language is swedish so I explain badly. so I made an illustration. Is this possible?
  9. Oh, so the baluns recognize it's pair even if there are more than one in the same ethernet cable (through a switch at both ends)?