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Everything posted by andy

  1. andy

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    I agree, if you need a machine for a DVR, you'll definetly want to build your own. All these name brand PC's might be cheap, but they usually use the worst components. They just throw a fast processor in as the hook.
  2. andy

    GeoVision & PTZ Touring Question

    How do you know what will be in the 7.1 release and when is it supposed to come out? I am a former Geovision tech.
  3. andy

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    Actually, eMachines aren't the cream of the crap anymore. I think they are better than Dell. I would make sure you have the right version drivers for your card. If you can test it on another machine that would be the best thing to do. But, you might have a bad card.
  4. andy

    GeoVision & PTZ Touring Question

    Hey sal, say hi to nick for me. Although, I think you should recognize my name too.
  5. andy

    GeoVision & PTZ Touring Question

    CCTVDude: No, I don't do tours too often. I just know that those models are the ones that are supposed to work. baywatch: I believe that issue will be addressed with version 7.1 of the software. You'll be able to start tours remotely.
  6. SDL is the most like direct draw library that is available for linux. I haven't been on this forum very long, but it would be my guess that you would probably get more help on C/C++ newsgroup or forum.
  7. If I remember correctly you don't have to use the built-in GeoHTTP server. I have heard of people powering the webcam with Apache and IIS. I don't have a system available to me so I can't find the solution for you, but I'm sure someone else should be able to help you out.
  8. andy

    GeoVision & PTZ Touring Question

    As far as I know the Pelco protocols will not do touring. The ones that will do it are: Ademco (Jupiter) Lilin (PiH) Dynacolor Samsung (SPD-1600) There are others that are labeled as being able to do patterns, though I'm not sure what that means since I don't have any experience with them.
  9. andy

    Geo with Dual Core Processor

    Yeah you could do that with external USB drives. Just add all the drives to the set location setting. Make sure you don't span them through windows. The only thing you would have to do is run the database repair utility after you swap the drives. Also, you might want to make sure that the geo codec is installed on the machine you'll use for viewing the video at home.
  10. andy

    GEovision PC Reboot

    The fact that it starts and then stops two or three seconds later tells me that it's the CPU or CPU fan. 99% of the time this is what causes that issue. Make sure your CPU fan is properly seated.
  11. The X600 is one of the recommended cards, thus you should be Okay.
  12. andy

    Geovision remote playback problem

    Is this remote playback through the webcam or the Server/Client? Try just downloading the video file (don't hit Play) and see if it'll play back on Windows Media Player. Last thing, does that machine have onboard video? What about the one that does work?
  13. andy

    Please advise on cheap DVR

    If you plan on using AMD with Geovision, try to find a MOBO with the NForce chipset.
  14. andy

    Need Software Help! Geovision 600

    No need for the S1 upgrade. Go directly to USB dongle and 7.0.
  15. andy

    Geovision GV-MP4

    The GV-MP4 card is not out yet. But, it's not H.264. It's regular MPEG4. Don't know if it will work with the GV900 or not, but the Hybrid card doesn't work with the 900 or 250.
  16. Make sure you have Java installed to get JPEG view to work. The DirectX error can also be an OCX error. Try running the webcam from the local machine to see if that works. Also, if you can upgrade to a 6.xx version of the software, do it.
  17. andy

    geovision ptz control- keyboard?

    Try using the Geovision FAST KEYS. Look in your manual for more info.
  18. andy

    Object Tracking using Geovision

    Pelco Spectra III works also.
  19. Don't know if you solved this issue, but you might want to try looking at the running processes in your task manager. I have a feeling you'll see dmmultiview.exe in there. Kill the process and try running the executable directly from C:\Program Files\VXXX or C:\Program Files\DMMULTIVIEW depending on your version.